Large corporations saw an opportunity to take advantage of the large amount of labor force they could obtain from the poor people. They lowered wages which lead to strikes and protested, as well as, the hatred of immigrants. When a strike broke out the owners of the corporations, instead of raising the wages, would hire strikebreakers, for a low wage, which mostly consisted immigrants. Many governments state and Federal was riddled with corruption. Political members were some of the most corrupt of these people. They illegally gave contractors jobs for their vote in the election, permits to build were also given to people who would vote. They would give money, food and jobs to anybody willing to for them. Which lead to politicians winning because of criminal activity. As cities continued to grow transportation became an issue. With some factories not a quick walking distance from some residential areas and tenant buildings. To help with this carriage on rails that ran on railroad tracks, called horse cars were invented in 1832. It was later changed into the tram which runs on electrically powered rails. Then eventually some cities implemented subway, which ran …show more content…
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Urbanization in America; Siteseen Ltd. by Linda Alchin;Web; 28 February