Some of the positive effects of the industrial revolution include a higher standard of living, greater variety of products, as well as faster production. Some of the companies provided housing, food, and education for the children that worked there. Some of the sweatshops adopted certain regulations to improve safety. As said in document 5, “Out of 3000 children employed in the mills from 1785-1797, only fourteen have died.” This means that they were a lot safer than other shops. They even built cheap homes for the people that work there. Things were cleaner and well put together. Document 6 proves this by saying, “The young …show more content…
For instance pollution dramatically increased within the the century following the industrial revolution as shown in the graph in Doc 8. There were over-crowded working stations. Some of the mills had no regulations so people were literally dying from sickness and exhaustion. This is proven when the doctor was talking to a very ill person named Hebergam in document 3, “Hebergam : I have damaged lungs. My leg muscles do not function properly and will not support of weight of my bones.” Because the pay was so low for the mills people were forced to live in slums. They were described in document 7 as, “The streets usually unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with garbage. Since they neither have gutters or drains, the refuse accumulates in stagnant, stinking