I know that it involves a series of movements that are dependent on positioning and breathing techniques. I also know that in order to be successful, it requires total relaxation; I do not know much else beyond that. The only time I have done yoga was while in high school during a few classes of P.E, however, I was not focused, nor was I taking the class seriously. Prior to this project I have never considered trying yoga. I believe that I am ready to try yoga because I do desire the ability to be more relaxed. I would like to find a way to reduce my stress and anxiety, but have never actively tried any techniques before. I am starting to notice that my feelings of stress and anxiety are beginning to interfere with my ability to fall asleep at night. Most nights I am getting far less than the recommended eight hours, and I know that insufficient sleep leads to a number of complications. I am ready to try a regular routine of yoga that I hope will help me feel less stressed out, sleep better, feel more energized, and furthermore be …show more content…
I ultimately would like to decrease my stress, and get a better, more restful night’s sleep. Another incentive that I have considered is that committing to one activity may encourage time for other activities, like exercising. I am very sporadic when it comes to exercise. I go through phases where I exercise regularly, and then I will stop and not exercise for a while. I would like to engage in more activities that will benefit my health and wellbeing. I am looking at yoga as a possible stepping stone in the right direction to adding more positive changes to my