Ariyonna Underwood: Personal Narrative Analysis

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Ariyonna Underwood As one ages, one starts to become their own person, figuring things out for oneself and becoming more independent. But as for me, I was a very shy, quiet, and stay-to-myself kind of person. I didn’t like being around a lot of people or just doing nothing. When times got hard I would listen to my music and just be in my own little world. I would bottle up all my emotions and not tell anybody anything. I wanted to let everything out. But I didn't know who to talk to or go to. Until one day in the summer, my grandma called me and asked if I wanted to go with her to a convention. I say to myself, “Might as well go out and have some fun.” So I wrote down the information of when we were going and what time she coming to pick …show more content…
She came and picked me up and took me to the store to get some clothes that would look presentable and went to a couple of grocery stores to pick up some snacks. The conventions were three days; friday, saturday and sunday. And started early in the morning at 8:30am but we had to be at the place before 8:00am because the lines get really long after a while. The day came to go to my first convention. I was so excited and happy to go but also tired because I had to get up early on a friday morning in the summer to go somewhere. But it was all worth it. As I got used to being around her. We became close I felt like I could tell her anything that came to my mind. I remember one day she had came to get me just to ride with her to the store. And on our way there she had bought us some food. We had got McDonalds. I got an sandwhich and fries and ice cream cone. And she got a kids meal. We sit in the parking lot and eat our food. And as I sat there I’m thinking to myself should I tell her what’s going with me or just don’t say nothing. And she says “ What you thinking about over there, you're very quiet today?” So I tell her just life and things just a lot of things. She told me to stop holding on to the past and just try to forgive people. After she told me that I tried to think about all the good things that were going on in my life and just take a breather for a second. It helped me a little bit I stopped stressing as …show more content…
I always that a mentor was someone who come into your life to teach you about new experiences or to guide you in the right path. My mentor taught me valuable lessons and how to deal with my life problems. She has impacted my life in a way that I could never imagine in a million years. I became more independent and stayed true to myself and others. Before I felt a lonely and depressed person because of what I was going through. But she came into my life and showed me that no matter what your life is now. It will get better in the future. And that the things that I'm doing know is to never let one tell you different. My relationship with mentor has grown tremendously. She’s my go to person, my rock, my heart. The time that I spend with her are the best moments of my life. My mentor is my grandma Doloris, but everybody calls her “Mama.” The person I'm today is because of her. I will always keep the moments that we had together close to my

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