Argumentative Essay: Why SSR Should Be In Schools

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SSR should be in schools because it gives students time to read in school and to expand their minds. SSR should not be in schools because “There just are not enough minutes in the day to achieve the results desired by proponents of SSR”. Although people believe that there isn't enough time for SSR there is. In my school the staff reduces the time in every class to add time for SSR in 6th hour so we aren't wasting time in class.

“Fewer than one-fourth of 17-year-olds read almost every day for fun, and young people 15 to 24 read 10 minutes or less a day, on average.”(Sedita). Not many teens and kids read for fun now. This proves SSR should be in schools because now students can read in school for a good amount of time with no excuse. Reading

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