The reason I agree with the new regulations is because I believe they will lead the school to becoming a safer place not only for the students but others as well. Over the course of 10 years more than 320 arrests have been made at Smith High School. Fellow students and students peers also had their comments on the new rules. Manny Porcello, a security guard at Smith High says,” I’m glad that this new policy was put into affect.It had gotten to the point where we had to purchase riot gear for use durring home games.” Hold it right there, did he say riot gear. How ridiculous is that? Imaging yourself going to a football game and seeing people in riot gear. Let me say this again, this is riot gear we are talking about.This not your ordinary security vest, this is a full suit with a gas mask and a shield. If it were me going to one of these games , I would feel very unsafe sitting there and seeing people in riot gear. Rose Weitzel, a resident of Permian says,”My husband and I attend every game at Smith High. We have been doing this since our youngest son,Richard, played football there 30 years ago. But it's been getting out of hand…..just last week a huge fight broke in the bleachers. One hoodlum, a rather large boy, kept picking people up and throwing them down the bleachers.” One word,Shocking. Fellow students picking up other students and throwing them down the bleachers. The student that was thrown down the bleachers was probably injured but what if he was killed. The culprit would be charged with murder and locked up for life. If this were to happen, the school's reputation would be ruined. Penny Lane, a freshman at Smith High says,”My friends and I feel a lot safer …show more content…
Rita O’Malley, a teacher at Smith High says,” Honestly it's really not as bad as they say...The school’s new policies are really harsh….But the the searches are unconstitutional.” Unconstitutional? Coming from a teacher I find this hard to believe. How are searches unconstitutional? What if during one of the football games a suspicious man walks in with a backpack. And with him weapons. Now what? This could result in a mass shooting. If the security guards were to check this man bag they would have found the weapons and arrested him. Still think these new rules are