Common Core brings up more than one issue. One of the issues with Common Core that is plaguing the United States, is the overwhelming cost of Common Core. When accepting the Common Core standards, the price point for them was at around 15.8 billion dollars within seven years, according to a magazine article titled, Common Core is Rotten to the Core, (Farmer). To give an example of how much our state is paying, Iowa is paying 184 million dollars for Common Core. This money has to come from somewhere, so they get that money from taxpayers. Taxpayers are everyone who pay taxes. People from the opposing side might say that the states knew what they were signing up for cost wise when they said yes to Common Core, but most states were looking forward to the money they would get from the government, not realizing that it will cost so much more than what they would receive from the government, as stated in, “States’ Taxpayers Cannot Afford Common Core Standards,” from “” (Burke). Thus, it is clear to see that the states are paying so much more than what they receive from this system, so why would they stay with the standards? Many people who are paying for Common Core believe that they are paying an expensive price for exceptional, quality education, but is that really the case? Common Core was brought into the school system to create career ready citizens, but as paraphrased from, The Common Core Is a Change for the Better, Common Core is teaching kids how to ace multiple choice tests, and not teaching them skills …show more content…
Constitution. The tenth amendment basically says that the freedoms not given to the government, are given to the states, and education was not given to the government, so it is all of the state's responsibility. Yet, Common Core is still being pushed by the government. Many opposing citizens believe that this comes off very extreme, but Diane Ravitch, a credible historian, explains why she and many others disagree with common core. For them it is obvious to see that states have their own personal needs, not ones that fit the whole nation, this was said in Common Core is Rotten to the Core (Farmer). The majority of the populous speculate that Common Core was made and adopted by the states, but this is simply not true. Common core was created by two organizations, which are named, Achieve and National Governors Association. How are we supposed to believe that it is state made when the company that actually made it, is called “National Governors Association?” It is important to know that the government created and implemented Common Core, because it is very possible that this goes against the tenth amendment. Despite what people think of Common Core, it is definitely not what it seems and can not be