Topic: Spelling
Lesson: Third Grade Spelling
Big Idea:
Spelling gives students the ability to understand how to spell correctly and a strategy for memorizing spelling words.
1.2.3.F Determining the meaning of words/phrases as they are used in grade level texts
ELP.1.L.1-3.1 Follow oral simple directions with visuals or nonvisual support
The students will be able to recognize and read grade-appropriate spelling words.
The students will be able to spell ten words correct with 90% accuracy.
Essential Questions:
How can spelling help with reading?
What are some helpful spelling strategies?
Why is it important to use correct spelling?
• Paper
• PowerPoint
• Promethean Board
• Computer
• Spelling Bingo Worksheet
• Circle Chips
• Pencil
• List of words
• Hat
• Index finger
• Floating
• Spelling
UDL Considerations:
Level 1: Some accommodations/adaptations I would make with the kids with ELL/ELP would be to have them watch a few times what I am asking the students to do then have them try. Also, I would print out the lesson PowerPoint so the student has a hand held copy. This way the student can follow along while teaching the class.
Level 3: Some accommodations would include going over one-on-one the lesson before going over with the whole class. Also, to clarify with the student any unfamiliar parts so the student understands the lesson. Level 5: Some accommodations I would make with the student would be to explain with the student one-on-one the lesson before presenting to the class and also after presenting to the class. In addition, have the student repeat and explain the lesson and instructions. This way the student can see visually and mentally think about the lesson. I would provide the PowerPoint lesson ahead of time to the student and all the materials needed before class. PRESENTATION Introduction: Good Morning Everyone, how is everyone? …show more content…
Today we are going to work on some spelling. When the student’s arrive have a few words on the board. This way the students know they will be working on Spelling. Before class begins, I will make sure I distribute the lesson plans for the students who need the extra help to follow along and know what we will be doing in class. Once the students get settled, I will pull up on the Promethean Board the PowerPoint lesson on Spelling. Displayed on the PowerPoint will include; the definition and concept of Spelling, some strategies of ways to be a better speller, words listed at the end for the students to say aloud as a group and eventually spell. PROCEDURE: Day 1: Time Teacher will… Students will… 10 mins The teacher will teach the PowerPoint Spelling lesson on the Promethean Board. The students will listen and participate when called on. 5 mins The teacher will call on students to participate during the lesson. The students will be engaged during the lesson. 3 mins The teacher will instruct the students to go back to their desks. The students will follow instructions. 5 mins The teacher will ask a few spelling words to review the lesson. Each students will respond to at least two spelling words. 4 mins Then, the teacher will introduce a group game with the class. The students will listen while the teacher is giving instructions. 7 mins The teacher will distinguish groups with the students. The teacher will pass out different hats for the different groups. Inside each hat contains pieces of paper with the spelling words on them. The students will choose out of the hat a spelling word. Then the students will spell the word aloud to their group. Their group will listen and check to see if they spelled the word correctly. 5 mins The teacher will walk around to each group and listen to each student spell the word to check for understanding. The students will go around in a circle and spell the words aloud until all the pieces of paper are gone from inside the hat. EVALUATION Student Closure: The teacher will have a student pass out the “Spelling Bingo Worksheet” to each student. Then the teacher will have another student pass out circle chips. Once each student has a bingo card and a few circle chips the teacher will know it’s time to begin. The teacher