Career information The career I am exploring is photography. My Daily responsibilities will include making appointments with said clients, researching and preparing for the shoot. Photographing at different locations and in different conditions to get the perfect images. I will be using a wide range of equipment including lenses camera’s …show more content…
Photography is mostly Freelance which means that photographers mainly depends on their client and their needs. My business is not very large, only consisting of the photographer their client and maybe an assistant. The organization isn’t that large in itself because photography is mostly freelance and only consists of the photographer and whomever has decided to employ him/her. Their history would naturally be captured in their works that they probably put on display, and possibly the clients that display their work as well. Photography is a mission to anyone who becomes one, they love what they do and they want people to love what they …show more content…
Ayers, of Ayers incorporated. In my interview I asked Michael twelve questions which he answered briefly for us. There is a lot that goes into taking pctures and it’s not that simple, as quoted by Mr. Ayers himself –“ a camera is only as good as the lense”. Having a college education in business degree and being able to work a computer is of such importance. Having more than one cameras s always good, always being prepared for anything during sessions as well.
Institutions The path to becoming a successful photographer is surrounded by education. This summer I will start with basic classes at Art Space Lima. After graduating I would like to pursue my education in photography at UNOH or Rhodes State College.
Taking photographer courses in college will help further both your career and education in photography. Hands on experience or an internship with professionals is a must as well.
Reaction and Reflection After all that have learned from the research and interview, I feel with some practice and experience I would do more than succeed in this industry. Photography is more than just a job or a career path, it’s pathway to so many different types of things wrapped into one central idea. I have learned that photography is more than just having a camera and taking