. Concerned mainly about the effectiveness of animal testing, this source lists many…
Research on animals has been practiced since around 500 BC. Animals are used to help improve medical treatments, determine toxicity in medications, and check safety in human products and other biomedical, commercial, and health care uses. Almost every medical breakthrough in the last one hundred years has been caused by using animals for research purposes. To this day, people argue if animals are being put through agony and pain…
Animals suffering is a reason of why I disfavour the use of animals in experimentation. The level of intelligence of an animal does not give a right to cause an animal any pain. Nevertheless scientists argue that animal experimentation helps towards a cure for Alzheimer’s or a vaccine against malaria. Yet, if anyone were to witness the continued use of higher primates such as chimps in a research lab environment, the animals would show signs clear signs of discomfort and suffering. The level of intelligence does not measure the control humans have over an animal, which leads to at what point of primates does it become…
The controversy begins with the idea that animals that are not treated humanely prior to, during, and after research. According to Jacqueline L. Longe, writer of the article “Animal Experimentation,” “The Animal Welfare Act (Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966, P.L. 89-544) was signed into law by then-President Lyndon Johnson in August 1966. The Act covers the humane housing and treatment of cats, dogs, hamsters, rabbits, nonhuman primates, and guinea pigs.” Precautions have already been taken to ensure that household animals are not treated poorly but are treated humanely. Animals that are needed specifically for research such as rats and mice are exempt from the Animal Welfare Act because they are highly important for health research.…
The purpose of this speech is to discuss the controversies of animal experimentation. The concerns it brings, the benefits that arises from this testing and suggested alternatives to decrease this practice. Over decades, animal rights advocates have argued against animal experimentation. These advocates had…
Animal Experimentation Millions of animals are used everyday for scientific experimentation. This practice has been around for years dating back as far back as 500 BC. People of ancient times would want to experiment on animals just out of curiosity. Understandable, but has created such a dilemma in today’s society. There are many arguments going back and forth on if animal testing should be continued or stopped due to the reality of it all.…
Experiment 626 Vivisection is a word used by people who oppose operations on live animals for the purpose of scientific research, but those who support it call it animal experimentation or animal testing. A big topic that has been argued for many years and still to this day, whether if it’s ethical or unethical. Animal experimentation is used for checking the safety of products, make medical advancements in scientific research, and prepare new scientist (students). Animal experimentation was first used in Greece around 450 bc by a Greek philosopher Alcmaeon. Later on other Greek philosophers started using animals in their tests.…
95% of animals used in experiments are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act; not covering rats, mice, fish, and birds which make up the majority of animals being tested. Also, most of animals do not correctly predict results for humans as 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials (Understanding Animal Research, "Nine Out of Ten Statistics Are Taken Out of Context,"…
Animals all over the globe are sitting in a cage right now, scared, cold and alone waiting for the next experiment to be done to them. They sit in this cage longing for the day that they are able to free, if they survive the experiments or if they are of no longer need to the scientists. Every year there are millions of animals killed in laboratories from the tests and experiments done to them. These poor, defenseless animals are poisoned, shocked, and burned during these tests and are often killed because of this. If these actions were done outside of a laboratory it would be considered animal abuse.…
Animals used in the experimentations include mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds in the US. Laboratories aren't the best place for animals since the animals are locked in cages and denied freedom. They also don’t get control over their…
considering they were “God’s creation” as some will say (Monamy 10). On the contrary, British Lord Chancellor Francis Bacon thought that animal testing is an excellent way to learn more about our bodies and how it works (Monamy 10). However, this controversy made animal testing rise. An additional amount of scientists started using different types of animals such as monkeys, rats, birds, dogs, cats, and the list goes on and on. With animal testing in use, scientist found out how the digestive, respiratory, nervous, muscular, etc.…
II. Body A. Animal Experimentation in the Past 1. Why did animal experimentation start? 2. The conflicts between people’s viewpoints back then.…
Animal testing has been around for a long time with some unpleasant history. With the expertise in technology not being as advanced and innovative as it is today with using other alternative methods, scientists had tested their theories on animals. Animals used in research experiments go back to the early Greek physician scientists such as Aristotle, Erasistratus and Galen. Galen practiced in Rome, where he conducted animal experiments to develop the understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology. An Arab physician in the 12th century Moorish Spain also engaged in animal research carrying out certain tests.…
The animals kept in laboratories for experimentation go through mistreatment and incredible pain for human gain (Bishop and Nolen 92). Animal experimentation began centuries ago around the 1700’s in ancient Rome where many artists and scholars became curious over the human body. Technology was not as advanced as it is today so the alternatives that are present now were not present then. They believed that using the human body as an experiment was wrong and that humans have dominion over the animals. In addition, they also believed that animals were not capable of feeling any…
Animal Experimentation Animal experimentation has been around for many centuries. Humans perform these experiments on all species of animals to find different effect of a product it could have on a human. Three advantages in particular advantages are, it helps scientists gain a better understanding for cures of different diseases, this practice makes a vital advance in medicine, and for the expense of treatments and cures animals should not have rights when it comes to research. Although there are many advantages to animal experimentation, there are also disadvantages which include, there is no benefit for the humans, it is cruel, and is dangerous for humans to be treated only after a trial on animals. The first advantage to animal experimentation is using animals like rats can help the scientist gain better knowledge for different…