Professor Hinchen
English 1302
Animal Experimentation: An Annotated Bibliography
Day, Nancy. Animal Experimentation: Cruelty or Science? Hillside, N.J., U.S.A.: Enslow, 1994.
Nancy Day discusses the two different viewpoints of the widely debated topic of animal testing and thoroughly talks about the consequences of animal testing and experimentation and also the benefits we gain and build upon. Remaining neutral, she gives the reader a good chance to see where both sides are coming from but also giving many reasons to contradict the other so that no bias is influencing the reader’s opinion.
Meant for any one, aware of this debate or not, she clears the fact this issue has been exaggerated and is indeed affecting …show more content…
Chenes, Elizabeth D., ed. Animal Welfare. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Print. Animal welfare states the laws and regulations needed to follow to ensure a safe and ethical lab experiment on animals. It also argues the point that animals have absolutely no right or say in what is going on with them nor are they subject to any court trials on behalf of their abuse. This extremely opinionated source lists the many reason to be against animal testing and the unjust treatment they are getting. The purpose of this book is to state and explain the laws animal testing is “sliding under” and to help the reader understand the laws that are already existing to prevent such hearsh conditions. This source explains a very good reason for the banning of animal experimentation and gives legitimate and very straight forward facts based of federal laws to find another way to test things and if there must be testing, how to bring down the level of abuse and pain inflicted on the poor innocent creatures. This provides reasonable arguments against animal experiments and abuse.
PETA. "Animals Used For Experimentation." PETA, 2012. Web. 12 Sept. …show more content…
Academic Search Complete.
Web. 12 Sept. 2012. The author in this magazine article is persuading the reader to view the world in a more ethical way and to take this into consideration when remember the morals of humanity that should be continued to be practiced as we advance further in life, including in animal testing, which should not be conducted at all. It gives a reason as to why we might become overly dependent on animals if we continue this life style and that seeking other ways might be the better option. This source is different compared to the others because it focuses primarily on the dependence we might develop to animals if we rely this much on them. This gives a very useful piece of information concerning a completely different point of view as the main problem in animal testing. Some sources were a lot more concerned about the animals that they were harming while this article was content on the future and what this might eventually do to us.
Allen, Arthur. "Of Mice Or Men: The Problem With Animal Testing." Slate Magazine 1 June
2006: n.pag. Web. 13 Sept. 2012.
Concerned mainly about the effectiveness of animal testing, this source lists many