Arguments Against Animal Testing Rhetorical Analysis

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Each year, thousands of animals are euthanized due to animal research. Many individuals may argue that scientist are putting the lives of animals in danger by testing on them, however, is animal lives valued human lives? By showing emotion there may be some guilt for harming the lives of animals, although puzzling over the percentage of human lives are saved from animal testing doing all the research worthwhile. Should animal testing be banned in America? “Arguments against Animal Testing” by Natasha was written for the general audience who are interested in articles about animal testing. This article is very opinionated one, but Brantwal uses many facts to validate her opinion. In this article, Bantwal has successfully coordinated Aristotle’s tools of logos, ethos and pathos. For example, Bantwal embodies an ethos, otherwise called contention by character in her writing. Reading through the article, Bantwal energetic comprehension and information on animal testing is unmistakable. To provide herself much more credit, she quotes a specialist who additionally accepts animal testing is truly not beneficial. …show more content…
She gives various logical confirmation with references why animal testing is both wrong and pointless. For instance, she particular illustrates, for example, that Thalidomide and Clioquniol, which prove animal react differently in contract from humans to medications. A few times all through this article, Bantwal foresees questions her readers may ask and answer them likewise. Her used by logic is even clear in her passionate contention (pathos, like when she says, “With endless pure animals, billions of dollars and more than thirty to forty years being spent on the war on cancer, one would expect concrete the results with show up if animal experimentation was really as variable as it made it out to be (Brantwal,

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