Key words: Assessment, Personality, Strengths, WeaknessesVery good This Is Me! Really? Needs work on APA Part I: What About Me? There is so much to know about me! …show more content…
Based on my responses, I was surprised to see some of the results. The answers that were provided were truthful and in line with previous responses, so I cannot understand why I received a different personality type. I usually receive an ISFJ during the Jungian 16-type personality test but during the latest test I received an INFP. During a reread of “Type Talk At Work”, I definitely agree with some of the descriptions for intuitive and perceiver. The descriptions I agree with are: (N) believe that time is relative, tends to give general answers to questions; get irritated when people push for specifics and (P) easily distracted (Kroger, Thuesen, Rutledge, 2002). In addition to the change in personality types, I never thought my personality was in the “Type-A” zone. Based on the analysis and interpretation, my score of 114 falls into the “A” category and it is just shy of the “A+” personality type by 6 points. Good The “How involved am I in my job?” and “What Motivate Me?” sections provided me with answers I knew but it is something I want to work on and decrease “my involvement in my job”. Both sections are tied into each other because I am motivated growth and existence and that causes me to be extra involved in my job – working long hours, coming in on time off and bring work items home (Student Assessment Library, 2016). I was eager to complete this section because I wanted to show my wife that I am not too involved but the answer was a bit of “slap of reality”. This subject has brought tension into my house because my wife feels that I am not spending enough time with her while she is pregnant. There was some disappointment in my results from the “What’s My Attitude Toward Achievement?” section because I whole hearty disagree with the results. That is definitely not who I am or strive to be. I am genuinely happy to see people succeed in life and hate when they fail. The results from the self-assessment was completely opposite of who I thought I was. The results revealed that I favor “seeing successful people fall” over “seeing successful people rewarded.” Interesting point Part II: Working with Others This section was a little dishearten because there are certain areas that I pride myself on as a leader. Some of those areas are: leadership style and listening skills. The results from the self-assessment were extremely high in task-orientation (10) and that was area I was very aware of, I am always focus on the task at hand and I make sure that those that work with me are aware as well. According to Fischer (2009), “leaders need to understand the importance of keeping all of the groups focused on the big picture tasks and not just their own responsibilities” (Fischer, 2009). The area that I pride myself on is people and I was a little disappointed with the results. My results for “concern for people” was extremely low (1) and based on the questions and my responses in that section I cannot tell why it is low. I