The first particular instance is my use of conflict style. I do not mind conflict, but will approach it head on when necessary. It makes complete sense that I would prefer to use collaboration or compromise when in the midst of conflict. I am known to my coworkers as the one who tries to find middle ground, even on seemingly trivial issues. For example, we recently acquired a new, yet historical piece of artwork for the office and attitudes were pronounced at either end of the love-hate spectrum. It was my idea to hang it in the main office, rather than a specific office, so that everyone could equally enjoy or ignore the art piece.
The second thing I learned specifically about myself that will help me be a better employee is the idea that I have the potential to lead projects because I have a high sense of self-planning and desire for work as an entrepreneur. My director has recently asked me to cross-train and step into the role of lead in another department in my office. While I am not sure that is the best role for me because I have little experience in the area, I might be the best option for leading a team, and therefore the leadership role would help me blossom as an