Have you ever wondered what your greatest strengths were and how you could use those to help you advance in your career? Many people probably think they have certain personality strengths until they take an assessment to see what they actually are. I recently took a personality assessment utilizing the DISC method of scoring to see what my more dominant personality traits were. The results came back a little different than what I thought of myself at first but the more I pondered on it, the more it made sense. My three most dominant personality traits are Conscientious, Dominant and Steadiness. I will explain the personality tests that I took and the process to get a score, a brief explanation of the personality traits that is more dominant for me and how I actually plan to use these traits in my daily work and personal life in the present and in the future.
Analysis of Self-Assessment …show more content…
There are many different tests that you can take that are free online, just do a search in your favorite browser and many will come up. I personally took a free DISC assessment because I felt that this was easier to use. The DISC personality assessment measures 4 primary traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The DISC Personality assessment is based on the work of renowned psychologist Dr. William Moulton Marston, and was introduced in his 1928 book "Emotions of Normal People". Dr. Marston spent most of his life studying human