I wasn’t that surprised as to what my results were when I took the FOCUS 2 tests. I know exactly what are my values, personality, skills, leisure time, and work interests. Yet, these little tests got the correct predicament of each of the five areas about myself. These different tests made me more aware of the choice most suitable to me individually. Which brings me to the next step of this class and little quiz ― picking a major that I think is right for me. As I finally completed all of the five tests, the results were all linked together similarly because of the carefully thought answers I chose throughout the quizzes to find a suitable major for myself. For values, I had altruism, creativity, and helping others. …show more content…
There’s always the internet for starters! Searching it up and have a better understanding before seeking help in person will give you a glimpse of what you’re going to expect in the major you’re looking into. Going to an academic advisor is the most important to go about to getting information about the major you want. An advisor will help you transition to the major you have your heart set on and sign you up in the right classes. Your advisor will also discuss the pros and cons of what you want to do next and you have to decide for yourself whether you are committed and capable of going in for the major you chose. Another way to get information is to ask a professor in the field you are interested in and decide whether what they said interests you or what you were looking for. There are so many resources with how to get to your goal with seeking a major in college that I plan on doing a few of these before I go in to declare my major! All in all, taking those five simple assessment quizzes were quite predictable but it did give me a better understanding about my individuality and that there is no limit when it comes to seeking a major. All I needed was a little guidance and be more informed about things and know that there are many ways to get to where I want to be. Thanks to the class and the five assessment quizzes, one of my top picks