Working in a care home has helped me learn valuable skills such as, care planning; communicate with external and internal agencies and the art of active listening, which has helped me gain confidence to communicate with service users and their families
While working as a part time carer I have been studying on the BTEC extended diploma in Health and Social Care …show more content…
This will test the different skills that I have obtained over the years and also help build my confidence and different abilities.
Anatomy and physiology is a unit that I have studied, this unit has helped me to learn a little bit more about the human body and how it works, this will useful when working within healthcare sector. Especially when it comes to treatment for a patient, it is important that I have an understanding on what goes on within the human body and what the different body functions are for. This unit has also helped me to correctly name the different parts within the body.
As I learn to become an adult nurse, I am looking forward to making a positive effect to the NHS, by making sure that I am working to the best of my abilities and working towards the correct standards of the NHS. As I am doing this I will be learning alongside other nurses and doctors, and help contribute to the level of care giving by practising the skills that I have learnt and also help to provide the best quality of care