Ms. Boyer
Honors ELA 2
11 July, 2017
Proving Adnan Syed’s Innocence
Imagine being sentenced to time in prison for a crime not committed. It would be unfathomable to live everyday in prison but deserve to live in the outside world. Adnan Syed, an American teenager, has to live with that reality everyday. Adnan was convicted of murdering Hae Min Lee,who is also, Adnan’s ex. Adnan still claimed to be innocent, but he remembered the day of the murder to be a “regular day.” Jay’s inconsistencies, Asia McClain’s letter, and Adnan’s reaction to his breakup with Hae are all pieces of evidence that help support that Adnan was wrongfully convicted for the murder of Hae Min Lee.
Jay was a high school friend of Adnan’s that “witnessed” the alleged …show more content…
Asia’s letter to Adnan was a remarkable piece of evidence that helps support Adnan's innocence. “Dear Adnan… I’m not sure if you remember talking to me in the library on Jan. 13th, but I remembered chatting with you,” Asia McClain writes in one of her letters to Adnan (Ep. 1). Asia states that she saw Adnan walking into the library around 2:30 PM (Ep. 1). This meant that Adnan would be in the library at the time of the murder, which was estimated to be around 2:36 PM (Ep. 1). On March 2, 1999, She delivered a follow up letter to Adnan and made small talk about how school was going and how his friends were. “I know that we haven’t been best friends in the past, however I believe in your innocence,” Asia stated in her follow up letter. This statement validates that Asia believes in his innocence because she has a reason to, not because they are …show more content…
On the other hand, there was some information that did not look favorable for Adnan. For instance, the Nisha call, perhaps the biggest piece of evidence the prosecution had against Adnan. Adnan said that he had supposedly loaned out his phone and car to Jay. During that time, there was an outgoing call from Adnan's phone to Nisha (Ep. 6). According to Jay, they were together and Adnan put Jay on the phone with Nisha. This was significant because Nisha was one of Adnan's close friends that Jay did not know. Therefore, Jay would not have called her, due to the obvious evidence that would position them together while Adnan was supposed to be at track practice. Although, Adnan's track coach did not recall Adnan being absent for January 13th practice, as well as, the possibility of a butt-dial, pretty unlucky, but possible. Nisha lacked a voicemail inbox, so, if a call would have gone 2 minutes unanswered, it would have been charged on Adnan and Nisha’s phone