Compare And Contrast Justin And Adnan

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Justin and Adnan Compare and Contrast Essay By Alexi Vergel de Dios In episode 7 of Serial, Sarah Koenig tells us of a case that is similar to Adnan’s. Justin Wolfe was convicted for the murder of Daniel Petrol Jr. and Adnan Syed was convicted for the murder of Hae Min Lee. They are known to act differently around certain people. Justin is found to be Virginia’s “youngest death row inmate” with a face “as round and as smooth as it was in his Chantilly High School graduation photos.” (Lindsay, Drew. An Innocent Man on Death Row?) Adnan is described as having “eye’s as innocent as a dairy cow’s”. There is one aspect in both cases that I consider to be striking: it all comes down to one witness. I view Justin and Adnan as being very different, …show more content…
Justin was a standout athlete in his teen years; he played in both football and Little League in his youth. His neighbor even said, “Justin was always one of the first ones to jump in and give you a hand.” (Lindsay, Drew Paragraph 14). However, in his freshman year of Chantilly High, he started dealing drugs to his friends. It had only gotten worse until he was found out. After being on probation, Wolfe started to fix himself up by helping out his family and getting a job for a home-improvement company. He even dated the daughter of the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s office. However, while all these good aspects are in his life, Wolfe stayed in the drug business and made up to ten thousand dollars a month selling chronic. Justin put that Drug Money to use by going to clubs, buying booze, and buying drugs for his …show more content…
He was known to be the youngest death row inmate in Virginia. Justin’s innocent looking baby face deterred some to think that he was not guilty of this. After all, who would put an innocent looking man in jail? As for Adnan, almost everyone saw him as a “good kid”. He had good grades, helped out at the mosque, and was an athlete. However, he wasn’t doing a very good job hiding the other side of his life. His mother suspected that he was disobeying rules and the whole family found out about his relationship with Hae at a dance. When he is not obligated to play as the “good kid”, Syed smokes weed with his dealer, Jay. With all of these details in his life, he just seems like a normal high school kid who likes to get high. Even with all of this in mind, the court sees him as the main suspect and is not dissuaded by his normal persona. They pin him as Hae Min Lee’s killer by using the jealous boyfriend stereotype. It is also bad for his case when there are phone records and accounts of him acting strange on the day of her murder. Jay seems to be the only one that has a story that is sound enough to have Adnan as the main suspect. However, with lots of holes and inconsistences to the case, this is not incriminating enough to prove his guilt or innocence. This give Syed another trial that will take place in the

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