I had such an incredibly rough time thinking of a pivotal point in my life. Most people had something jump out at them, this was nowhere near the case for me. I can remember staring at a blank Word document for at least an hour. I have always had a fairly easy, drama free life. I was not recovering from anything, I had never had an addiction, and I had always had a very good head on my shoulders. I finally got the idea late one night when I couldn’t sleep. The idea had actually stemmed from the idea of dropping my math class. I remembered my high school experience with Mrs. Barrett and trying to quit livestock judging. I got out of bed and wrote what I remembered. I read through it, only to realize that being told no for the first time in my life was not a pivotal
I had such an incredibly rough time thinking of a pivotal point in my life. Most people had something jump out at them, this was nowhere near the case for me. I can remember staring at a blank Word document for at least an hour. I have always had a fairly easy, drama free life. I was not recovering from anything, I had never had an addiction, and I had always had a very good head on my shoulders. I finally got the idea late one night when I couldn’t sleep. The idea had actually stemmed from the idea of dropping my math class. I remembered my high school experience with Mrs. Barrett and trying to quit livestock judging. I got out of bed and wrote what I remembered. I read through it, only to realize that being told no for the first time in my life was not a pivotal