different from there’s. Thomas Loren Friedman, three time Pulitzer Prize winner, and current writer for the New York Times foreign affairs column since 1995, is a famous journalist who took a closer look into Globalization. Covering the topic in his prologue “Globalization: The Super- Story,” from his book Longitudes and Attitudes, Thomas Friedman uses…
#1 Thomas L Friedman believes that the world’s economy can be summed up by five gas stations around the world, comparing and contrasting communist capitalist economies. He uses this analogy to support his conclusion, along with theoretical questions, connotations, and appeal to pathos, that America is infiltrating every culture through different medias so that they reflect American values. Friedman assumes that youth around the globe is happily eating up American media and does not acknowledge…
In his article “It’s a Flat World, After All,” published in the New York Times in 2005, Thomas Friedman discusses how technology and globalization are rapidly allowing work to be done from anywhere in the world, reducing the West’s economic dominance. Furthermore, he characterizes globalization as an exhaustive and revolutionary transformation in which the entire globe becomes deeply and permanently interconnected. Friedman establishes that the world has been “flattened” as the result of…
Friedman refers to three types of globalization that have occurred. Globalization 1.0, which took place from 1492 to 1800, was when the world began to shrink. This was because we had just started to travel the world for conquests and new resources. The world continued to shrink during the 1800’s on to the year 2000. Globalization 2.0 was the time when companies began to use labor in other countries to produce goods that would be sold in their own countries. Today we are continuing to flatten the…
“Why the World Isn’t Flat” by Pankaj Ghemawat, published in Foreign Policy in 2007 disputes the claims of leading globalists including Thomas Friedman, arguing that despite advances in technology, the world still interacts primarily at a local level. Ghemawat’s argument is based on a theory he calls the “Ten Percent Presumption”, which means that only ten percent of transactions and interactions are carried out on a global level. This number includes trade, “cross-border migration, telephone…
3) Compare and contrast Thomas Friedman’s vision of globalization with Amitav Ghosh’s explanation for why the late 20th century religious extremists he considers “are so violent [and] so destructive.” Friedman visualizes globalization as complex and not an easy topic to grasp. Throughout his work he uses anecdotes and travelogues to show how far-reaching the impact of globalization is on the most distant civilizations of the Earth. Friedman believes globalization is necessary so that everyone…
Thomas L. Friedman’s article “How to Get a Job at Google?” the title of this article can describe how much effort you have to put for better jobs. Google is a biggest company in the world. It has social networking, Gmail, blogger getting a job in this company; people might think you need a higher lever degree or good GPA. Well after reading this article it pointed out that a high GPA or scores are worthless as a criteria hiring. Thomas L. Friedman, interviewed Laszlo Bock, the senior vice…
“The playing field is being leveled” states Thomas Friedman in his bestselling book The world is Flat.1 What Thomas Friedman is referring to is globalization of our world with the advent of new technologies and communications. Gone are the barriers to collaboration as you can now reach out quickly and easily over waters, mountains and boarders to instantly get or send information, collaborate, or market. This leveling has occurred across many industries such as retail, communication and more…
Thomas Friedman reminds us, “the average and the dumb…were made that way. They were shaped in large measure by school systems” (314). Children are being taught to be average. Sir Kenneth Robinson explains how: “They’ve spent ten years at school being told there’s one answer it’s at the back and don’t look” (3). The current education system breeds mediocrity by encouraging conformity, but the competitive nature of the evolving economy requires individuality and rejects conformity. Sir Kenneth…
Marshall Poe, history professor and author of The Hive, and Thomas L. Friedman, three time Pulitzer Prize winner and author of The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention, discuss two different but similar topics: Wikipedia and global supply chains. Both of these collaborative paradigms come with consequences that can be either positive or negative. In the world today, collaborative paradigms generate both positive and negative ramifications in the way that people, businesses, and countries all over…