the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction (Greene, McAward 2014). This is a statement from the thirteenth amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States. The thirteenth amendment was passed on January 31st, 1865, by Congress, though it was not ratified until December 6, of the same year. Prior to the Civil War, Congress attempted to stop the war by trying to pass a different draft of the thirteenth amendment, which had a different motive. In the first draft of the thirteenth amendment, it allowed slave states to keep their slaves, instead of formally abolishing slavery. After the Civil War, a new draft of the thirteenth amendment was created. This final draft of the Thirteenth amendment formally abolished slavery. It was created when southern representatives were not present for the debate though one would think since the southern representatives were not…
150 years ago. However, for many prisoners in the US, it never ended. The 13th Amendment banned slavery in almost all of its forms, but there is one exception-- prison labor. Private prisons are free to exploit the work of inmates without compensating them in any way. Forcing someone to work for no pay, regardless of socioeconomic status, is a violation of human rights. Before this is expanded upon, it is crucial to first understand the current scope and state of the United States prison…
Slavery Beyond the Civil War On December 18, 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment went into effect and became part of the constitution of the United States. Newly freed slaves felt the negative effects of the amendment with harsher conditions than previously under slavery. Post-Civil War had a vision of freed slaves, but in reality, the enslavement of the black population still existed after the Thirteenth Amendment because former slave owners and politicians wanted to suppress the previously…
Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States, was the Great Emancipator. He was called the savior of the Union during its most distressing sight but most importantly he was the savior of the slaves. Slaves were brutally treated during the pre-Civil War times and even after. Abraham provided the slaves the opportunity to become citizens and individuals with rights. Due to creating the Emancipation Proclamation, voiced his beliefs through speeches, and helped to pass the 13th Amendment,…
The Declaration of Independence gives the right to be free to everyone living in the United States, or does it? About half of the states in the country at this time permit slavery, while only few are against it. William Lloyd Garrison, an extreme abolitionist, wanted slavery to be banned in the whole country, so he created different groups and societies to help him. Many pro-slavery southerners despised Garrison’s work and fought against his belief. After The Civil War ended, he lived to see his…
I was surprised to learn that sex trafficking is a big problem in Charlotte, North Carolina. North Carolina is the base for one of the largest industries of human trafficking. I’ve read one or two articles on the investigation and the release of victims of human trafficking. I even wrote a short essay on human trafficking in India while I was in middle school. I knew that human trafficking has always been a problem affecting the United States but what really surprised me was the fact that it was…
everybody live their lives to become legends. Many presidents have led the United States of America, some have been great leaders for the country, while others weren’t so virtuous. One of the utmost presidents that have led U.S. to great success at its time is Abraham Lincoln. Till this day he is known as one of the greatest American presidents, but at his time of his election no one predicted Lincoln’s success. Lincoln was born in Kentucky February 12, 1809. He moved to Indiana in…
The composers deliberately evaded the word, perceiving that it would taint the report. All things considered, subjection got essential securities in the Constitution. The infamous Three-fifths condition - which tallied three-fifths of the slave populace in allocating representation- - gave the South additional representation in the House and additional votes in the Electoral College. Thomas Jefferson would have lost the decision of 1800 notwithstanding the Three-fifths trade off. The…
There were two principal antislavery movements in the United States before 1833. One centered in the North and the Chesapeake among free African Americans and white Abloished, and the other that existed in the South among slaves. These movements were fueled by evangelical Christianity and shared roots in the age of the revolution. The antislavery movements in the North offered a nonviolent way to end slavery, but in the South, abolitionists like Tuner, and Gabriel had to use violence to fight…
In modern times and throughout history there are many individuals who were and are in a leadership role. One of these leaders was Abraham Lincoln. This paper intends to highlight some of the valuable qualities of Lincoln and how they shaped him into a leader. A number of the traits that will be explored are faith, honor and integrity, and the ability to listen. Upon examining history it becomes evident that one of the personal qualities that Lincoln possessed was faith. This faith guided…