The film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, by Don Siegel is a classic science fiction horror film, published in 1956. The film shocked the world, and made a huge impression on audiences. The shocks from the audiences created a slang word, “pod person,” which means a person who pretends to be someone else. In Siegel’s film, Invasions of the Body Snatchers, took place in a small village in California. One day, the mysterious alien creature pods appeared in the village. The pods abducted the citizens silently, replicated, and replaced them. Those who got replaced lost their own emotions and personalities, but their memories remained. The original citizens were terrified by the unseen fear, and eventually the whole village got invaded by the pods.…
The film , invasion of the body snatchers, directed by John Siegel, portrays the fear of the spread of communism in the 1950's. This movie being written at the peak of the Cold War and the Red Scare, displays how many Americans we're worried communism would eventually reach the US. In Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Miles and Becky try their hardest to resist the evils of their replicated self but soon, Becky falls asleep and wakes up as "one of us". Like the pod taking over Becky, several…
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) was a science fiction/horror film directed by Philip Kaufman and produced by Robert H. Solo. The plot takes place in San Francisco and follows health inspector Mathew Bennell (played by Donald Sutherland) and his colleague and love interest Elizabeth Driscoll (played by Brooke Adams), as they discover that humans are being replaced by aliens who appear to be perfect copies of the persons replaced, but devoid of emotion. The Invasion (2007) was directed by…
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a film that can be critiqued with many different views and opinions. It is obvious to many that this film is an allegory for the Cold War; but it is tough to say whether or not is a critique of American conformity or a warning of the communist threat in the United States. While both arguments can be made, warning of the communist threat in the United States is the most represented throughout the film. Invasion of the Body Snatchers depiction of the warning of…
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) was a horror/science fiction film that responded to the Cold War and Atomic Age anxieties of the 1950s. On the surface, this was a typical 50s B-movie (low-budget commercial film), but it became one of the best science fiction thrillers of the period because it highlighted contemporary fears. The movie’s title was taken from Jack Finney’s source novel, The Body Snatchers (1955). Under Allied Artists, Invasion of the Body Snatchers was directed by Don Siegel…
Body Snatchers in the 1800’s In the book Frankenstein by Mary Shelley our main protagonist, Victor Frankenstein, steals body parts from dissecting rooms as well as getting the parts from charnel houses during the 1800’s in order to complete his creation. What Victor was doing was called grave robbing and at the time grave robbing was a common occurrence. It was common only in part to the medical fields need for bodies. So the knowledge gained from grave robbing outweighed the wrongdoings of the…
The activities of the 18th century body-snatchers are among the most lurid and entertaining episodes in the history of medicine and have been cataloged exhuastively by scholars and popularizers of all kinds. Today, however, when the ethics of research on humans has become a critical problem in medical philosophy and when relations between the public and the profession appear to be deteriorating, it is instructive to take another look at this period of medical history, when many current ethical…
teeth, instead they are regular people. They interact in a different manner from the normal people but they are the same shape, form, and look of who they have cloned. To others, the pod people are regular everyday human beings. However, they are uncanny because they are unnatural, bizarre, and abnormal. They are a monster disguising themselves as an everyday human being. Jacob: I 'm the movie invasion of the body snatchers the example of one-conformity is shown in how eveyone has no emotion.…
Society and culture have a large impact on film. This can be seen most clearly in Science Fiction and Horror Films. Films are often based on real-life events, or in some cases, fears. Two examples of this are Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The Cold War and fear of the spread of Communism led to the creation of films such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre were both based on the crimes of Ed Gein. Some common themes in these…
credits, listed simply as UN Secretary. By focusing on her, it raises the question on what other interesting characters we miss while they are running away from the white male action hero trying to solve problems with the alien by blowing everything up. Humanity craves companionship, its greatest fear isolation, but if it treated half of its population as it deserves to be treated, they would discover females are not a mysterious alien race, but people. Often aliens are just metaphors for what…