Invasion Of The Body Snatchers Analysis

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a film that can be critiqued with many different views and opinions. It is obvious to many that this film is an allegory for the Cold War; but it is tough to say whether or not is a critique of American conformity or a warning of the communist threat in the United States. While both arguments can be made, warning of the communist threat in the United States is the most represented throughout the film. Invasion of the Body Snatchers depiction of the warning of the communist threat in the United States can be represented by the mystery of the alien pods, the behavior and suspicious acts of their species, and the way no one wants to believe that these incidents are happening. Firstly, during parts of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, you can see the mysterious alien pods showing up all over the fictional town of Mill Valley, California. During the beginning of the movie, you never saw these pods but only saw the alien species that you later learn come out of them. Dr. Miles Benner is the first to notice this epidemic of imposters impersonating people throughout the town. Obviously, this species of imposters do not want the humans to know that they are among them. Later on, Miles and some others get suspicious of this behavior and create a panic. This can hugely relate to how Americans felt during the Cold …show more content…
This allegory is one that can be used to both scare people and one that people can also learn from. While this film could support the idea of conformity, it mostly represents the warning of communist threat in the United States bases on some very simple ideas seen throughout the film. The mysterious alien pods, the strange behavior of the foreign species and the idea of people not believing it is true can all be related to the United States’ second Red Scare and the fear of communism throughout the

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