The alarm screamed, waking me from a dream of a monumental journey through a land that had been long forgotten. I moaned and turned the noise off. As I pulled myself upright, a wonderful aroma entered my nose. Mom is cooking bacon. Now I have a good reason to get out of bed. I trudged to the kitchen, and I found Lola, my little sister, squealing and bouncing off the walls. She was excited for her first day of Pre-K. I miss those days. Still half-asleep, I devoured my serving of bacon as I wondered what the first day of school would be like. There probably won’t be much homework, but no one could guarantee that. “Micky!” my mother shouted, brusquely. The stress that always came with the school year was already getting to her. “Get dressed; we’ve got to go!” As I plodded back to my room, all of the excitement I had for the first day of school fled me. I realized that I would have to wake up before noon every day of the week for ten months. I would barely have any free time to read. I froze. I had forgotten about reading. What was I going to tell my friends? Was I going to say that I became an ink drinking vampire over the summer? They would all laugh. They’d call me a nerd, cast me out, and make me sit guys who spent their summer playing Dungeons and Dragons. There’s no way I’m letting that happen. In fact, I won’t even tell them that I’m an Ink Drinker. Problem solved. *** The school’s metal door squealed when I pulled it open. I was relieved to feel the air conditioning…
(lines 8-11) The broad word that allows the reader to manipulate what the author is trying to say again in this sentence is the word “it” again. Additionally, the author as previously done already, narrows the things that the reader can manipulate the word “it” by saying that “it” has to be “lifting up” and also has to be “large as a giant”. Consequently, although the option of interpreting “it” with an alarm clock is no longer a valid option since an alarm clock doesn’t follow the rule of…
many material things. Generally, how you go about preparing depends on whether a student plan to attend a technical school, community college or a four year university. The supplies needed may change depending on what higher education institution one pursues. When leaving for college, students want any and everything that they can get for their dorm or apartment. Most students don’t look at what is a needed, but more about the comforts of their living space. First, the list of the…
I woke up early in the morning to the great bells of Campanile. As I get out of my bed in my camper I say to myself, “Here goes nothing.” I walk out in my living room to be greeted by my mother. “Good Morning!” “Yeah… Good Morning.” As I walk limp and mopey I lay down on the sofa and turn on the television to ESPN where sportscenter was on. “Hard breaking news for the No. 2 ranked Cowboys of Oklahoma State today, as the Women’s basketball head coach Kurt Budke and assistant coach Miranda…
Subject: Language Arts Grade Level: Preschool Title: telling the time to the hour Objective: Student will tell the time using a digital and analog clock. Standard: 1- Physical Development 2- approaches to learning, 3) Social and emotional Development, 4) language, communication, and emergent literacy, 5) Cognitive Development and General Knowledge. Material: Clock, book: it’s about the time by Stuart Murphy, white card stock, colored card stock (two colors), scissors, and brass paper fasteners.…
The Shot Felt Around The World BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm clock stroke 7 A.M. I hit the snooze button just like I always do. UGGGHHHH I screech as I crawl out of bed. I walk to the living room and turn on the news. I walked to the kitchen to brew my daily coffee. As i’m making my coffee, I hear the reporter say, “Currently I am at Dealey Plaza and the weather is beautiful. We’ve just gotten that word that the POTUS will be attending the parade in an open motorcade.” I heard this and my mind felt…
“BEEP BEEP BEEP,” blared my alarm clock for the fifth time in 30 minutes. Initially, the morning began as any dreary December day would: cold, bleak, and lonely. Until now, I had spent a majority of my first high school semester tirelessly optimizing the basic act of waking up. How late could I awaken and casually stroll into class by the 8:00 bell? Indeed, I got a concrete answer: 7:34. As that final alarm sent me scampering into the shower, I noticed my glasses remained on. “No problem,” I…
Beep, beep, beep, beep. Instinctively, my arm reaches across the nightstand to press snooze on my alarm clock. My mind and body nearly begins to return to slumber before I remember the reason I needed to wake. I hastily climb out of bed and dress myself in my green and brown camo shirt and overalls. The excitement begins to flow through my veins as I prepare for a trip to my grandpa’s farm. Papa Tom’s farm happened to be the perfect place to build and set up our hunting hut. My hunting hut…
“BEEP BEEP BEEP”. I raise my hand to shut off the annoyingly loud alarm clock. A few moments go by and I immediately jolt out of bed, almost tripping over my own two feet. July 25th, the day I get to head down to Texas for a month. As I head down my steps I can hear my dad and my Tio talking. I also can smell the eggs, bacon, lengua, and the refried beans being made for breakfast. After brushing my teeth, I grab a plate and pile on the food. As soon as I’m done eating I rush back upstairs to my…
My annual hectic competitive dance showcase started this year as it always has, as a charged and passionate kickoff. That morning, I had been woken abruptly from my peacefully sound sleep by my deafening alarm clock. An obnoxious cry playing a song from the ‘Pitch Perfect’ soundtrack continued to sound until I was alert enough to lurch over and smash the stop button. I immediately made my bed and hopped into my warm-up outfit for the day. My mom had already been awake for some time and we we’re…