Interviewee’s present life circumstances James E. was born Feb. 24, 1936, which has him at the time tested age of 81. James is an African American male and is married to his lovely wife Margret. He has 4 children of his own and with that comes 9 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. James currently resides in a single family home located in laurel, MD. Nearby family members come by to visit nearly every week for dinner and quality time. James keeps himself busy by running his nonprofit after-school program that tutors kids from kindergarten through middle school. This program also turns into a summer camp during the summer providing kids a place to go while parents are away at work. When James isn’t taking care of business at the program, he is supporting his family by attending dance shows for his granddaughters along with sporting events for his grandson. Having put so many work hours in as a Physical Education teacher has paid off because James was able to retire from multiple school districts and receive money from each. This money combined with saving and other things have allowed James to live comfortably and also have allowed him to help out family members that were in times of need and struggle. Currently, James has very few complaints about his current health status. Outside his lingering digestive issues and some typical joint pain, he is in rather good health and physical shape. Keeping up with the kids during aftercare and summer camp does…
I have two parents, a mom and a dad who are married. Still married. They work regular 9-5 jobs and lead a very stable lifestyle. I have one sister and it’s just the four of us living together. All my grandparents (7) got divorced and remarried. My childhood was pretty normal, soccer games, school plays, dance practice, family dinners. My mom was raised with no-rescue parenting then did a 180 degree turn and became the world 's best helicopter parent ever. Both my parents would be…
grow in freedom, maturity, overall discipline and real autonomy,” he added. “Only in this way will children come to possess the wherewithal needed to fend for themselves and to act intelligently and prudently whenever they meet with difficulties” (Francis). The problem with helicopter parenting is that it creates a bad relationship between parents and their children. In order to maintain a stable relationship between a child and a parent is that there has to be a balance. Parents who constantly…
“But look at the world it’s so difficult and dangerous!” And letting children develop the proper skills to survive in the world will help them. Restricting their actions— especially as they get older— only inhibits them, rather than protecting them. Meddling in children’s development mostly just harms them. Our society tries to make parents worried by putting violence at the front of the news and focusing on it. In reality violence as whole in the US has dropped quite a bit and it isn 't as much…
Both articles “for some, Helicopter Parenting Delivers Benefit” by Don Aucoin and “Bubble-Wrapping our children” by Michael Ungar. Some helicopter parenting knows how to involve their children’s lives by “Aucoin” and some helicopter parenting don’t know how to involve their children’s lives by “Ungar”. Helicopter parenting is a necessary and justified response to a changing world because helicopter parenting is can be benefitted the life of their child and Helicopter parenting is can be harmful…
Parenting is defined as “the process of taking care of children until they are old enough to take care of themselves” (“Parenting” 1). The world today is full of helicopter parents, overprotective parents who hover over their child’s every move. Helicopter parents make sure their child can get to dance class, violin lessons, the art show, and make it home in time to study for the math exam, which they will get a perfect score on, in one night. These parents strive to create the child who has it…
have the freedom to live life, but not being able to have that freedom due to their own parents’ fears of the world. It is a parent’s job to use their past to reflect on their own child's’ future, which involves knowing their boundaries and not becoming what is known as a “helicopter parent.” The idea of helicopter parents is a topic discussed and debated for years. It is believed by some that parents should linger over their kids trying to be there with them through it all, while others…
The Harms of Helicopter Parenting There comes a point in many people’s lives where they have the joy of becoming a parent. A parent has a chance to create new life. However, creating new life has its advantages and disadvantages. Parents are in charge of directing and controlling a human being. But, what if there is such a thing of too much direction. A parent can endlessly hover over their child. That would be a helicopter parent. Nonetheless, there is a difference in healthy parenting and…
She always worried, but let me go and do things with friends whenever I wanted. I am so grateful that my mother did not hover because it has pushed me to be an independent person. I can do things and make rational decisions on my own without anyone to guide me a particular way. Being independent is a huge trait for me, but some people take independent to a whole new level. On Bre’s 18th birthday the helicopter parenting plan back fired on her mom. Bre started staying out late with me until the…
How would you feel if your parents constantly monitored your every move, even in your adult life? For children of helicopter parents, this nightmarish situation is their reality. Helicopter parents control each and every minute detail of their child’s life, from what extracurricular activities they join, to what jobs they end up applying for. Although it is natural to have helicopter parent tendencies, the debilitating psychological repercussions of this parenting strategy in terms of…