What is Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) requesting in this application? A. PNM is proposing Rider 46 under First Revised Rate 22 to recover excess costs associated with the underground installation of a new distribution project within the City of Rio Rancho (“CRR”), NM, an approximately 6,580 ft. three-phase distribution line (“Project”) that will interconnect the existing Veranda Unit II transformer (“VII”) and the existing Black Ranch Feeder 14 (“BR14”). PNM Exhibit VHC-2 shows the location of this project. They are also requesting two variances, the first is a variance from 17.9.530 NMAC (minimum standard data requirements) based on the limited and specialized character of Rider 46 as well as this being a new, non-existing…
the development of a whole new economy. In New Mexico, the railroad played a crucial role in the development of the area and its future. The railroad played one of the largest roles in the history of New Mexico because of the conflict spurred by the race to reach New Mexico, the immediate affect of the railroad in New Mexico, and the lasting effects of the railroad in modern New Mexico. When the railroad first started to blossom in the United States, many of the newly formed railroad…
New Mexico is a breathtaking place, with the vibrant colors and the heart-stopping landscapes, it is portrayed essentially as the Land of Enchantment. The state is known for its rich history and luscious cultures that inhale residents from other states, along with bundles of foreigners from around the world. Although, to the world’s surprise, the implausible sweet land is one of the meagerest states in America. There are numerous reasons why New Mexico is dirt poor, although the primary reasons…
Spanish explored the land of the Navajo, they encountered each other became allies, the exchanged good with each other, and it ended into great conflict. They disagreed and fought to who won. They wanted the good land, isn’t that why the Spanish came to that land? Riches and more riches. They also thought they could make allies and more “friends” in the world. The more they stayed the more they fought. They Navajo seemed more peaceful and just wanted land to live and grow on, but the Spanish…
Discussion In an attempt to understand the New Mexico Prison Riot in it’s entirety, all aspects of breakdown must be considered. It has been clearly understood by movement scholars that the riot that took place at the penitentiary was the result of diminishing solidarity between the administration and the inmates. Both of the selected scholars use their interpretation of contemporary breakdown theory to further their understanding of how riots form. Bert Useem directly applies his…
The state chozen is New Mexico because it sounded interesting to learn about. I’ve never been to New Mexico, but I hope to go there one day because I would like to try their food and learn about the different cultures that are in the state. New Mexico is located in the southwestern region of the United States between Arizona and Texas and below Colorado.The state bird is the roadrunner. The roadrunner was declared the state bird in 1949 and the Hopi and Pueblo Indian tribes believed that…
When I was six years old I moved from Colorado to New Mexico. At the end of my junior year of high school, I found out that I was moving back to Colorado. I was full of emotions, I couldn’t decide if I was more mad or sad making me hate the world. I thought of every possibility of how to stay in New Mexico to finish high school. At the time, I was talking to a girl that I really liked and I had a lot of very close friends. I wasn’t the type of kid to go out and do things with people. During the…
Often, New Mexico is forgotten in the line up of states. It has been so neglected that some people believe that is does not even exist; however, if one was to take a glance at the government officials who are currently in office, they would be blown away at all the influential people they would find. Not only have several of New Mexico’s government officials made vast impacts in their own states, but they have also made impacts and advances all throughout countless different areas in their…
The territory that we know today as New Mexico, was under Spanish colonial power for centuries and was later, in 1848, taken over by the United States. Although these are both forms of colonialism, they had different ideologies when it came to race. While the Spanish encouraged mestizaje, or mixing of races, the English colonialism in the United States rejected this kind of ideology by prohibiting interracial marriage or mixing. Regardless of their differences in ideologies, the result was the…
Paragraph My trip to Texas and New Mexico was fun and interesting. I went to Texas and New Mexico in 2014's summer with my family to visit my brother who lives in Texas, and to have vacations too. We went shopping, had barbecues, met people, went to church, and visited some cities such as Dallas, Arlington, El Paso, Ruidoso, and Alamogordo. We also visited some places like the Cowboys Stadium, Wet N' Wild Waterworld,…