In this day and age, the internet is accessible for just about anyone, anywhere and is being used all the time. The internet has an incredible amount of different uses and it provides a place where people, regardless of who they are, have equal access to information. There is an issue that has come up, that would jeopardize this ability. Internet service providers want to put blocks on certain things, allowing them to have control what their customers can access online. Giving Internet service providers this power would create numerous issues and take away the equality and accessibility of the internet. Network neutrality is an important part of today’s world and it needs to be continued in order to keep the internet an accessible global network.…
Point Counterpoint: Network Neutrality Nuances Net neutrality is a problematic subject that has been around now for a number of years, and is now becoming a widely known and heavily debated topic. The basic definition of net neutrality is that any major ISP or the government cannot provide a bias on, or modify data packets coming from online servers. In the article “Point/Counterpoint Network Neutrality Nuances” partially written by Barbara von Schewick, various points on net neutrality are…
Most of us probably believe we have absolute freedom when it comes to what we view on the internet. However, Barbara van Schewick points out in her article ‘Network Neutrality Nuances’, that we only have access to bits and pieces of the internet (Schewick, 2009). What we are able to view is all decided upon by our ISP. Schewick states that ISPs select what we view in order to maximize profits, to ban content which they consider to be inappropriate, or to keep track of all signals on their…
In the article “Point/Counterpoint Network Neutrality Nuances”, Barbara van Schewick expresses the importance of net neutrality in ISPs. Van Schewick explains in the article, her opinion that the ability to access information should not be controlled by ISPs. To support her thesis, van Schewick presents examples of ISPs restricting the availability of services, and the consequences of these restrictions. She strongly emphasises the importance of net neutrality throughout the article, which helps…
In Network Neutrality Nuances, Barbara van Schewick argues her stance on network neutrality, and how without it we would be under the relentless abuse of our ISPs. By utilizing a multitude of examples and propositions, she manages to engross the reader in a series of possibilities of what could occur without network neutrality, and how it acts as a measure against discrimination Barbara starts off her point of view by firmly introducing us into net neutrality, and how it is basically the wall…
Net Neutrality: It Needs to Protected Introduction Research shows that net neutrality should be protected because it prevents the formation of ISP monopolies, provides protections to start-ups and small companies, and prevents ISPs from controlling access to internet content. But what is net neutrality? In 2003, the term net neutrality was used by Tim Wu - a professor at Columbia Law School. The core concept of net neutrality is that all data should be treated equally regardless of source,…
Introduction The case, Comcast Corporation v. Federal Communication Commission and Steinbach v. Village of Forest Park discusses important aspects of utilizing the Internet for business and potential technology and privacy concerns. The Internet is growing rapidly. A growing concern to manage the growth and reliability of the Internet is net neutrality. It is important to understand how it can be regulated by the Federal Communication Commission and what authority Internet service providers…
Net neutrality: Net neutrality is the notion that promotes neutral internet which means that internet service providers should not block legal content, applications or facilities, or forbid the use of non-harmful devices. Net neutrality works on the principle that all web traffic flow should be treated equally, no matter where it originated or the type of data transmitted. A neutral Internet provides a massive, open, and worldwide market, and the ability for anyone to access information,…
My stance on “net neutrality” is that there is no information which should be prioritized over another. An example that I like to use is one of the electrical grid network. For instance, when you plug a device into – an electrical outlet, the amount of electricity received the same amount regardless of the device One doesn’t get priority over another. All receive the same amount of electricity. Yet people still seem to not understand what the internet truly looks like and how it really operates.…
Net Neutrality Report Numerous studies have been conducted on the topic of Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality is the principle that broadband internet service providers should allow access to all content and applications regardless of its source or destination, and without favoring or blocking particular applications or contents on websites. The purpose of this report is to discuss the issue of Net Neutrality with the Ministry of Industry, and other non-technical government officials. This report…