Not only in Florida, but all over the country sinkholes are plunging problems into society. Openings in the ground sprawl out unexpectedly, and accompanying one is an arsenal of complications. A sinkhole is more than just a pot hole, and it can cause issues concerning property damage, environmental disruption, and- tragically- death in some cases. Without further awareness of sinkholes, the threats they pose are even higher. Sinkholes are both naturally occurring and man-made. Richard M. Foose, a geologist at Amherst College, explains that openings occur when debris and ground is displaced by groundwater in the bedrock layer (Foose, 1967). This occurs naturally, as it always has, but also at a much quicker pace due to the meddling of humans in the environment (Wines, 2013). Specifically in Florida, water is drawn from aquifers, underground sources of fresh water. Furthermore, when this water is taken, it causes the displacement explained by Foose. Openings can occur anywhere, and they are completely unexpected. While typically sinkholes are not large in diameter, they can be tremendously deep and have multiple spaced out openings. Additionally, due to their depth, sinkholes can be difficult to remedy. Large and unpredicted, sinkholes are notoriously considered a nuisance. Local governments will often choose to simply block off problemed areas rather than attempting to fill them because of this (McHarrow, 2016). Sinkholes have effects on society that range from the physical…
Introduction There are many situations where maps come in handy because there are many forms of maps. There are maps that express ideas, maps that explain how to complete a task and maps that are small-scale representations of a large area or location that is difficult to navigate. This small representation is to help the user find their way around the area or location. This document proposes a reevaluation of the usefulness and accessibility of the maps that are on the University of Houston…
Although the regolith represents an important economic resource (Wright et al., 1985; Taylor and Eggleton, 2001), it also acts as a hindrance to exploration for mineral deposits under cover (Anand, 2016; Salama et al., 2016) and geological mapping in general. The term regolith refers to all of the weathered and/or unconsolidated material from basement rock to earth surface including interbedded fresh rocks (Taylor and Eggleton, 2001). Tardy (1997) estimates that nearly one third of the area of…
1.2 Mission Location and Geography: 1.2.1 Topography: The primary mission operation location is the East African Country of Tanzania with the Area of 947300 Km2 Which makes Tanzania the 31st largest country in the world. The country lies at an altitude of over 200m. A plateau averaging 900-1800m. The highest Altitude of 5,895m in Kilimanjaro located at the north west and the lowest Altitude at Lake Tanganyika of 0.047 Km below sea level [1]. Masai Steppe in the north with altitude range between…
1. What search terms did you use to locate this research study to analyze? What database did you use? What was your rationale for selecting this particular study to analyze over the others identified in the search results? What is the full reference for the study in APA format? I searched for “concussions in the NFL.” I used sportdiscus for my database. I chose this study over other because based on the title. I thought it would be interesting to see how they conducted this study and how…
Most of the people have heard alp word, but most of them have not idea about the meaning of it especially if they are not from Europe, nor English speaker. Alp means elevated or high mountain. Alps are one of the highest point people have reached in this world. "The Alps form part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Albania"( Aubrey, Diem). It is stretching approximately "750 miles long and more than 125 miles wide…
The Meramec River is located in the upper Ozark Highlands in central-eastern Missouri and spans 218 linear miles before discharging into the Mississippi River in St. Louis (Blanc 1999, Thom et al, Figure 1). This watershed is dominated by Oak-Hickory forests and karst topography; and the Meramec River follows a riffle-run pattern of stream flow (Blanc 1999, Thom et al). Before people dominated the landscape, the driving forces of nature shaped the topography and the subsequent ecosystems that…
Radium Springs is an Unincorporated community that is located in the coastal plain area which is right below the piedmont region. The exact location of the Radium Spring is Southwest on the outskirts of Albany Georgia in Dougherty county. The Radium spring is one of Georgia’s seven wonders and the largest natural artesian spring in the state of Georgia. The formation of this spring is due to the karst topography where the surface of the water infiltrated the earth crust surface that became the…
have the highest concentrations of nitrates (Tucker, Diblin, Mattson, Hicks, & Wang, 2014). These increases in nitrates can be directly linked to the used of fertilizers that soak through the porous limestone earth in to the aquifer below. Runoff from the watering of fertilizer laden grass also flows in to the aquifer lakes and canals near the area where it is pushed in to the aquifer. Livestock Waste Florida is an agricultural state with a great many livestock farms. These farms are often…
and four nights at the campground, which means it’ll cost us $80 in camping fees ($20 per night). At the actual park, we will probably spend one day on the river and the other four taking the different tours of the cave. They have nearly every type of cave formation known there. They have one tour which is in complete darkness and the participants have to carry lanterns to see. They also have a more extreme tour where you have to free climb, get wet and crawl for an extended period of time. I…