Nature leaves me in complete and utter awe. The ability to frighten, calm and excite men and women at all levels amazes me. I think in every person, nature seems to have affected him or her in one way or another. Nature has allowed me to escape from the buzzing chaos of a large family lifestyle. I take my place as the fifth child of my parents. Being the fifth child also means I am the oldest girl and am in the very middle of nine kids. Business and echoing voices are constant at my house. I never seemed to be at rest when in my own home; there was always someone running around. These circumstances caused me to search for new places of serenity. So, with this in mind, I set out in my maroon Jeep and drove, trying to find a place that would speak to me. I live in Mendota Heights on the outskirts of St. Paul, so the city and neighborhood life is found in abundance. I took a left exit off of highway 35E onto Shepard Road. To my surprise, this winding, lit by lantern-styled street lamps, river road would make one of the biggest impacts on my life. But to my knowledge at the time, all I did was park and step out of my car.When the sun has sunken and the illuminating city lights awaken, the most beautiful sight appears. Skyscrapers’ and bridges’ lights dance on the waves of the great old Mississippi River. Sounds of the city muffled from the wind, and water crashing. The complete feeling of ease when I sit down on the cold ground, legs dangling over the river, gazing over the…
You walk down the Haymarket area you hear jazz music coming from the business. You go to a game in Memorial Stadium classic rock songs are coming through the loudspeakers. When you go to the gym to work out a rap song is blaring out of the speakers. Music is constantly around us. When people hear a song images pop into their heads. Music plays a key role in the sense of place. The articles Place or Space and Sacred Spaces and Tourist Places, the way images are presented, and the things I learned…
According to Oldenburg (1999) the term third place is used to “describe the public spaces used for informal social interaction outside of the home and workplace.” (Soukup, p.421). Third places are public spaces that provided “unique functions within a local community.” Oldenburg’s criteria for traditional third spaces stated that they must be on a neutral ground, must be social leveler, must be accessible, driven by communication, must have regulars, and a playful mood. Furthermore, third…
People have personal definitions of home. It could be where their loved ones are, where they grew up, where their heart is, or where their dog is. If one thing is certain about all these, it’s that home is where you feel a strong sense of belonging, security, and love. Finding all of these things in one place in your life can be a challenge for some, but everyone has some form of home. I have found my own definition in home. Home is no specific place and in fact can be multiple places; however,…
The Bargain Mart in “A Map of the City” eventually closes because of financial difficulties, and its closing makes a profound personal impact on Miriam’s father’s sense of belonging, and he is physically displaced from his family. As a consequence of the store closing, the family is forced to move out their house into an apartment (Thien 328). Miriam’s father feels like a failure, he is said to feel “only despair” at this change (Thien 328). Miriam’s father is suggested to feel like he cannot do…
time in the country’s history. The racial lines between workers became a source of great contention and South Africa experienced serious labour strikes and industrial action. This payed on white fears that Africans were becoming too powerful, and in turn made Afrikaner voters especially likely to respond to the Nationalist Party’s warning of ‘swart gevaar’ black danger. The effects of WW2 also enabled the regrowth of African nationalists, which in turn aggravated the…
preachers.” This idea was the idea of “poor preachers” who live modest lifestyles. Finally in 1382, he decided to begin translating the Vulgate into an English Bible because he thought that every man should be able to read it for themselves. He also had his first stroke in 1382. He was never excommunicated from the church, but he began living a more quiet life while living in Lutterworth. The he had a stroke in 1384 and this one paralyze him, then three days later he passed away. He never…
Jan Hus was the most important religious reformer of the Czech Republic in the fifteenth century, whose work transcended Medieval period and predicted the Reformation led by Luther in the sixteenth century. Jan Hus was born in Bohemia around 1371. He was intelligent and received many advanced certifications, including a master’s degree in 1396, and a bachelor's degree in theology in 1404. He is a master and a principal of the University of Prague. Jan Hus was appointed to preach at the Bethlehem…
“The world can be better if there is love, tolerance and humility.” Irena Sendler smuggled 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto during World War Two. The Warsaw Ghetto, was a new “resettlement” for all Jews, from there, they were sent to concentration camps. Irena became a nurse and would smuggle the children out of the Ghetto using ambulances, potato sacks and more. However, she was caught by the Gestapo, German police, who then broke her limbs. She was sentenced to death but managed…
Analyzing one of the opening scenes of the film “Little Otik”, directed by Jan Svankmajer. This scene begins with a black and white version of two mannequins in many different sex positions. Preceding that scene is a colored close up of a tree being sawed and chopped down. We see the wife of the man cutting the tree down looking out the window with a saddened face. As she glares at her husband cutting down the tree she comes inside to open a trunk that seems to have a lot of sentimental meaning…