Dannon a fresh dairy product manufacturing company was founded in 1942 having Danone as a parent, which is one of the leading global food and Beverage Company as well as one of the largest health-focused food companies in the world. It produced proactive leading health brand such as Activia, bottled water, and other baby nutrition. Danone founder Isaac Carasso started his work as an opportunity to help children who suffered intestinal disorder not having enough healthy nutrition following world war-I in Spain. His son moved to U.S in 1942 during the German invasion and started Dannon Company in New York, but soon went back to Europe and rebuilt Danone, which he started before moving to U.S. After many transactions of selling, buying, merger,…
God even named the child (yet to be born” “Isaac” meaning “he laughs”). A bit of time later (the exact timing is unclear in terms of the pregnancy of Sarah), God and two angels came to visit Abraham, as they were enroute to destroy several cities. The destruction of the cities is of less importance then the fact that God and the two angels took on the appearance of normal humans (this is an important point that we will revisit later). But, there was a problem with Ishmael as he was not born of…
Both of these women strived to have a baby and longed for God to bless them with a child. I found this to be interesting because I am due any day now. Nevertheless, these stories are composed of several unusual factors faith and trusting in the Lord to guide them. For example, Abraham was married to Sarah, and they each had to have faith that God would grant them their wish to have a child. God addressed Abraham first by stating that he would have a lot of children. He believed and continued his…
refuge away from the life she knew (Gen. 16:6). While out in the wilderness she encounters an angel of the LORD, who delivers a prophecy and blessing to the child that Hagar was carrying (Gen. 16:10-12). Upon hearing the words of the angel, Hagar has a change of character; and instead of submitting to standard social norms she takes initiative of her own and “names” the LORD, the sacred power who spoke to her, El-Roi (Gen. 16:13). Genesis 21 is a continuation of the previous narrative, which…
Book of Genesis, conflict reveals the imperfection of God’s creation of man; however, forgiveness is what proves that man is not completely evil. Whether the conflict be man vs. man, man vs. society, man vs. God, etc., forgiveness is never an easily accomplished task. The acts of begging for or providing forgiveness can take extensive amounts of time to build strength to do. The concept of forgiveness in The Book of Genesis teaches that the act of forgiving requires audacity on both ends of a…
Reflection Previously God appeared to Abraham and promised to make him exceedingly fruitful. (Gen. 17-6). Then in Genesis 17 v. 16 God promised to bless Sarah with a son, and told Abraham to name him Isaac v.19. Now, in Genesis 18 God appears to Abraham accompanied by two men. During this visit, God confirmed that Sarah would give birth to a son in due season vv.10-14. Consequently, in Genesis 19 v.2 we learn that the men with God are angels. After sharing the good news of the…
The story of Abraham starts in Genesis where all narratives about Abraham provides an interesting picture of the interaction between Divine word and human faith and obedience. Initially the Lord makes a conditional covenant obedience of which is enriched with a series of promises (Genesis 12:1-3). Abraham and his family embraces the book from chapter 11 to chapter 50 of Genesis, while only two chapters are devoted to the whole history of creation. What was there in Abraham's life that…
first of the three patriarchs of Judaism, the other two are Isaac and Jacob. Abraham was born in Ur his father name was Terah and he was ninth in descent from Noah Abraham had two brothers Nahor, and Haran. Abraham married Sarai whose named was later charged to Sarah. Terah, Abraham, Sarah, and Lot who was Abraham’s nephew left Ur to go into the land of Canaan, but they came to Haran and lived there until Terah died. After Terah died God called Abraham and told him to get out of his country and…
With her religion being a strong factor in her life so early on, her parents made sure to bring her up virtuous as Catholics could be. Monica’s parents were so devoted to her religious upbringing; they hired a woman servant that helped to rear her in the Catholic Church’s way. As Monica grew older, she was maturing into the woman that her parents had envisioned. Rebekah, born of Jewish descent, became the wife of Isaac. She was chosen by a servant through a sign from God. Should she give water…
Abraham Lincoln once said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” The religious figure Abraham is one of the most polarizing figures in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These religions are all founded with the belief that Abraham is their common ancestor. However, these religions have a rift in beliefs surrounding the decision of which son of Abraham, Ishmael or Isaac, is the legitimate heir to Abraham’s everlasting covenant with God. The painting of “Hagar’s…