Pinky I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning, I don 't know why but I had a feeling that today would be a great day. I was up at eight sharp, I checked on Lyric and decided to throw on my workout clothes and run on the treadmill for a little while before getting my day started. I turned the music on low so I could hear if Lyric called me and got ready to sweat. I was done and sweaty after thirty minutes my butt has gotten so outta shape. I showered and threw on some white booty shorts by PINK, my pink and white polka dot knee high socks, and a matching tank that stopped right above my navel, I wanted to be super comfortable because I was kicking it with my day one today, mommy/daughter day was gonna be in full effect. I made cheese toast and bacon, Lyric’s favorite, for breakfast and took out some chicken breast for lunch. When the bacon was finished I made our plates and went to serve my baby breakfast in bed. We ate and made plans to do our nails and hair after we watched Frozen, Princess and the Frog, and Rio 2, my baby loves those freaking movies and I promised to hide Frozen every…
“The object is not valued for itself, but simply as a means of satisfying the need; it may be bought, sold, and substituted” (Davis, 1936). This entails the need of having a girlfriend/boyfriend for their efforts and work. In a romantic relationship a couple cares for one another. People need to know they can depend or have someone take care of them. In need of an object a person does not have desire for the public to know of their property. An example is needing to eat food to satisfy your…
I split it up the way it is now just so you could read it better and also because he wanted subsections. Never written a paper with those so no clue what he wanted haha but I assumed it would be easier for you to fix it with it split up more anyway. ALSO I CITED IN MLA…I HAVE THE CITATIONS…NOT SURE WHICH ONE ENDNOTE USES? LASTLY….I cited statistics from a summary article because the original you had to pay for. Do you think he’s going to care? I can site the original…just didn’t know if you…
To being, I obtain my information from my classes, professors, family, friends, movies, and books. If I find something important or useful I will remember it and possibly use the information later. However, this does not mean that I live in an echo chamber, I do not repeat everything said. I reword what was said so that it makes sense to me and so that it is in my own words. Furthermore, I process information by deciding whether or not I find it useful and/or interesting. If I decide that…
Maxwell lists a few types of thinking: poor thinking (negative progress), average thinking (no progress), good thinking (some progress) and great thinking (great progress). Minister 's need to articulate their own thinking to the members. The author lists eleven skills that good thinkers must have. They must think with the big picture in mind and yet also keep focused on the task at hand. While being creative (innovative) they must know their limits based on reality. Being strategic and…
Substance When I refer to substance, also mean content; not just of our actions, but of ourselves. Intend for it to come from within. As in“who are you;” “to know thyself;” to know why you act as you do. Both Socrates and Epicurus believed; “the unexamined life is not worth living” (de Botton, A., 2001, p. 4). Substance might even bear with it a little pain, that the positives in our lives may be the results of a little discomfort; “not everything which makes us feel better is good for us. Not…
I’ve researched this career because I have been interested in farming since I was little. One day when I was feeding a baby calf and I looked into her eyes, I knew then I wanted a career with farming. I decided to research this career and it makes me want to do this career even more. After researching the career of farmers and farm managers, I have decided to pursue this career. Concerning typical daily tasks, farmers and farm managers are require to do plenty of work everyday. Farmers are…
Eleanor Longtooth or Claudius Clatwitt, if one is such a person, then one might suspect a third side. A reality apart. A place parallel to our own. Longtooth theorized that magic itself leaked from this place to ours. She called such soft spots ‘portals’. Clatwitt disagreed on the name, he preferred ‘thresholds’, but agreed on their function. He went on to theorize that thresholds inhabit the ‘tween’, as in places "in between", so that they’re not really one place at all, like a hallway,…
provide me advice on how to improve the recipe or how to ensure the product is safe for people with sensitive skin. Additionally, I will have a back-up in case the product does not work for the consumer, I am able to say confidently that the item was tested by a dermatologist and that is a credited item. The dermatologist will be highly experienced in the business area I am investing into and can insure me whether or not my product meets the Australian guidelines. Furthermore, the consumers are…
let her get better; she has to see me grow up. I just want to be a happy family. I just want my mother Those were the first words I said to myself on February 01, 2004 the day my mother died. As images of my mother’s smile flashed through my head on the day it happened. I haven’t even opened my eyes yet but all the things I loved about her are flying through my head, along with white birds and a huge heart that is broken. As I made my way to the bathroom my sister asked me what’s wrong, the…