family risked starvation and poverty. What happened? The answer was simple, Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, new chemicals called defoliants were being used as a tactic for military purposes. One of the most common defoliants used was called Agent Orange. These defoliants were used as harmful chemical herbicides to denature the trees and the land of Vietnam and Laos from 1961 to 1972. Agent Orange had a large impact environmentally and medically creating a burden that would remain with us forever. Agent Orange was an important recourse in the military but caused various…
Dioxin is a shortened term for tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin. The chemical formula for this deadly toxin is C4H402. Dioxin was a chemical used for an herbicide mixture called Agent Orange which was used during the Vietnam War in the years 1961-. It prevented the Northern Vietnamese from using rivers, roads, and crops for food supply. This chemical is one of the most dangerous compound that can enter the environment by surface body waters. It can cause a supply of crops to become damaged and…
Many herbicides and pesticides are thought to be involved in teratogenic, or embryonic development disturbing, mechanisms. Therefore it is important to study the effects of these chemicals on humans and wildlife in the event of contact or contamination. Case-Control Study of Maternal Residential Atrazine Exposure and Male Genital Malformations by Agopian in 2012 is one study that examines an herbicide, atrazine, in relation to birth defects of male genital development. Atrazine is one of the…
Atrazine is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world; it is estimated that approximately 80 million pounds of atrazine is applied annually in the United States alone (Hayes et al, 2010). Atrazine is used so frequently because it is cheap and it increases crop yield. However, it has been found that atrazine in levels even as low as 2 ppb (parts per billion) can have adverse effects on the reproductive systems of many vertebrates, which includes humans (Hayes et al, 2010). According…
learned more about was the problem with surface runoff of fertilizers and how it interacts with herbicides. The lab showed the participants on a small scale how eutrophication occurs and how it doesn't take a long time for algae to take over an area. Nitrogen and Phosphorus are usually found in fertilizers but not always at the same time. A study done said “ Concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen in surface waters are being regulated in the United States and European Union. Human activity has…
2007). Canada thistle roots were collected for this experiment in March of 2005 and in September of 2005 from upland grassland in Wyoming. In the March of 2005 trials, two collections of weevils were kept on the foliage until rosettes were established, then 2-9 days after, the weevils were collected. In each experiment, the rates for 2,4-D and clopyralid were 0.98 and 0.28 kg ae/ha (Collier et al. 2007). The Montana trial herbicides were applied July 8, 2006 and for the Wyoming trials July 10,…
when invade crops, can cause remarkable loss in the yield and quality of the harvest. Therefore, in order to improve the productivity and the quality of crops, the removal of weeds from agricultural farmlands becomes imperative. The introduction of selective herbicides gave farmers a novel tool in the control of weeds (Kudsk and Streibig, 2003). The use of these chemical agents resulted in the increase of productivity, but, on the other hand, brought unpleasant consequences, since…
Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup is one of 750 U.S. products containing the active ingredient glyphosate, the safety of which has been disputed for years. Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide used widely in large-scale agriculture, forestry and industrial weed control, and in lawn and garden care. Glyphosate is also known as a “systemic” herbicide, meaning that it is absorbed into every part of the plant, from the roots to the leaves. Evidence suggests that glyphosate may pose animal and human…
On January 12th 1962, the US Air force launched Operation Ranch Hand. This operation called for the use of over 19 million gallons of Agent Orange to be dumped on to the forests in Vietnam to expose the Viet Cong soldiers below. Not only did vast amounts of foliage die, but the chemical lead to birth defects, cancer, and skin rashes for soldiers and civilians who came in contact with it. Operation Ranch Hand Initiated.) Many still argue today that Agent Orange was not linked to these health…
Monsanto’s cash cow herbicide Roundup is now making waves both in the United States and across the pond. Documents brought to light in American court cases have European officials investigating the truth of Monsanto’s safety claims, further entangling the company in its misdeeds ahead of government decisions on the safety of glyphosate, the weed killer’s main ingredient. Glyphosate has been linked to the development non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). Court cases alleging the connection unsealed…