guide at 8PM, but 8PM turned into 9PM, then 9PM turned into 10PM. It was now 11PM and I still have not worked on the study guide because I was stuck on one problem, logarithms; plus, I was distracted by the variety of dog pictures and YouTube videos that ate away the time that could have been used to study. Now, I was a bit stressed out because I began to realize I was not ready for this final, and it is most likely that I am going to fail this final. I ran to my phone and texted my friend, Madeline, for help. I quickly texted her, “SOS IN NEED OF HELP!! IM COMING OVER!” After a few minutes, she replied, “ofc! lmk when u r here” Once I got the OK, I frantically packed my laptop, phone, and chargers into my backpack and dashed towards the Glen Mor apartments. I reassured myself, “It’s no big deal. You can ace this final,” but shortly said, “…Or at least aim for a C.” as I walked to the apartments. Once I arrived at the apartments, I barged into Madeline’s room set all my necessities onto the floor and in a serious tone, “Let’s get down to business.” However, we did not start until 12:30AM because we were too busy chattering away about our life. It was 30 minutes into our study session and we heard the doorbell ring. We were wondering who would be visiting during this time of night. Madeline looked through the peephole and gave me a puzzled look. “I don’t know who’s at the door.” “What? What do they look like?” “I don’t know, I’m not going to open the door.” I was curious…
Our Guys: the Glen Ridge Rape and the Secret Life of the Perfect Suburb, an outstanding novel based on the Glen Ridge rape case by Bernard Lefkowitz, explains in the great detail about the rape between the victim and the suspects. Lefkowitzs goes into great detail about the Glen Ridge rape by explaining the social problems of the town, how the community heavily influenced a social role for young men and women. The all-star jocks in Glen Ridge picked Leslie Faber to be their victim of rape…
While watching a movie maybe like Disney or Pixar have ever noticed little cameos of pervious characters in new movies. Some appearances might be a mere nod to another story just for the sake of a reference. While others seem to confirm the existence of a timeline shared by several movies. There are various theories about how Disney movies are connected. But there is a network of connections between Frozen, Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, and The Little Mermaid. So how are the movies…
Glen Mills is arguably the most popular sprinting coach in the world. He currently is the coach of the two fastest Jamaicans in the world; Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake. Both Blake and Bolt rave about coach mills, calling him their “father figure, a friend and a mentor”. Jamaica has totalled more than 100 world and Olympic sprinting medals under his stewardship. Seventy-one medals at the IAAF World Championships and thirty-three at Olympic competitions a tally that continues to rise. Nineteen of…
The piece of artwork I choose to write about is “Dancers in a Forest Glen.” The artist that composed the artwork is Arthur B. Davies. Arthur B. Davies was an American artist born on September 26, 1863. When he first started painting he only really painted atmospheric landscapes in the Romantic manner then after 1900 his most famous pieces of artwork were created. His famous work is almost entirely a personal world of imaginary creatures, allegorical nudes, and dream-like landscapes. His artwork…
and it had slowly developed into darkness. If the group was able to stay at Water Fall After reading and contributing in the Glen Matters ‘mock trial’ it became evident that there were many factors effecting the tragedies that occurred during the trip. These issues included poor planning by the adult supervision, not checking the student equipment properly, extreme weather conditions, splitting up the group, treatment of students with hypothermia and inadequate food. These negative factors…
On October twenty first of twenty seventeen, I volunteered at a carnival that benefitted Glen Cove candidate Gaitley Stevenson- Matthews. As a child, Gaitley was on the television show Barney and Friends, and later in life became an acting coach, and vocalist. What is interesting about Gaitley is that he has lived all over the United States. He was born in North Carolina, and later in life moved to Kentucky, New York City, Glen Cove, San Fransisco, and Dallas. His vast experiences in almost…
exploring some specific ways the Glen Canyon Dam has impacted the Glen Canyon, Grand Canyon and the Colorado River. I will explore the motivation for the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam, and discuss both the positive and negative changes the Glen Canyon Dam has inflicted. Although there are a plethora of impacts, I will be focusing only on those that have influenced the geomorphology of the area. Of these impacts I will concentrate on the negative impacts the dam has had on its environment.…
There is a lot to learn for young entrepreneurs on essential business practices, from the successful journey of Glen Wakeman. Glen who is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of LaunchPad Holdings-a software service provider, is a successful financial executive, who has scaled the heights of leadership to where he is. These include serving as the CEO of Doral Financial Corporation. Glen Wakeman, who is considered golden in the business circles, is a multifaceted individual as he is an entrepreneur,…
In the play Glengarry Glen Ross there are a couple of salesmen who work together to sell unwanted real estate at exaggerated prices, the sales men are Roma, Williamson, Aaronow, Ross and Moss. The real estate agents seem to be ready to participate in illegal and unethical actions, from lying, bribery, threats, stealing, bullying and more in order to sell unwanted real estate to unsuspecting buyers. The title of the play comes from two of the real estate properties that are in the play which are…