In this paper, I am going to argue that Galen Strawson is wrong when he claims that we cannot be ultimately morally responsible for our actions. The basis of Strawson’s Basic Argument is that you act because of the way you are. So, he says that in order to be morally responsible for one’s actions, one must be responsible for their character, personality and motivational structure (CPM), but since you cannot be responsible for your CPM, then you are not morally responsible for your actions. Moral responsibility is the praise or blame a person deserves for their actions. According to Strawson, only if the person chose to be that way, then they are morally responsible for their actions. But, a person can never choose the way they are going to be because it is already determined by the genes they inherited from their…
In the ”Impossibility of Moral Responsibility”, Galen Strawson argues that we cannot be held morally responsible for our actions, as well as stating that free will does not exist. Strawson says that if one is not responsible for anything about themselves, how could they possibly be responsible for something that they did? He also says that when we engage in S-procedures, intentional shaping procedures, we only do it because of certain features of the way that we already are. In the very…
Does life without medicine in today’s society, even seem possible? It doesn’t seem possible, but in 1350’s to the 1550’s in Europe diseases, and many other medical problems ravaged the people. This period of time is called the Renaissance or what others called the “re-birth”. It was during this time that cities in Europe just recently recovered from the Black Plague and were just starting to rebuild and regain the strength in their country. In addition to rebuilding their city, there was also…
greatly. They would make sacrifices to the god, sleep in the temple and believed he would visit them in their sleep and heal them. The most famous doctor in Greek medicine was Hippocrates. He didn’t believe in magic. Most of his remedies were herbal remedies. The Romans then had conquered Greece so much of the doctors were Greek. In Roman times Galen (130-200 AD) became a famous doctor. At first he worked treating wounded gladiators. He then was made a doctor for Commodus, the Roman Emperors son…
critical of Galen, a famous Roman physician who wrote a number of books regarding human anatomy and medical producers. Andreas was also against the sector, demonstrator, and lector system which split the roles of dissection that had been used in dissections for centuries. However, Andreas’s criticisms of both Galen and the common procedures involved in dissection also lay in tradition. Andreas Vesalius was very critical of Galen because much of Galen’s work was either derived from dissecting…
the drug is then monitored by imaging techniques. Alternative methods should be used in the place of animal testing to decrease spending, but to also save the over 1.4 million animals used in animal testing. Although it wasn’t much of interest until his records were rediscovered, Ibn Zuhr was one of the first people to use animals in experiments. Ibn Zuhr was an Arab physician of the 12th century that had introduced the methods of testing surgical procedures on animals and then applying them…
Ty Bollinger begins his book The Truth about Cancer discussing Hippocrates, a physician widely recognized as the father of western medicine. Hippocrates’ medicine derived from the Pythagorean Theorem which is applied as four elements, water, earth, wind, and fire. I find it interesting that the methods and ideas that Hippocrates presented are still in use today. The most common influences seen today would be the words of diagnosis and symptoms, which have their origins in Hippocratic medicine.…
Brussels in Habsburg Netherlands which is now Belgium. Andreas was born into a family of physicians and pharmacists, so education was important to him and it inspired him to make his future work on the human body. In which during 1529 - 1533 he attended the University of Leuven and from 1533 to 1536 he went to the University of Paris to study on medical related things; and that's where the revolutionary discovery started . After completion in 1537 of his studies, he was declared the head of…
The Voice behind Animals on Testing In today’s world, we continuously come in contact with problems that can become controversial. One problem that has been predominantly occurring in our nation is Animal Testing or Experimentation. This epidemic has grown drastically over the years and continues to bring about disputes day to day. Familiar house hold items are part taking in this epidemic and the average, everyday person does not realize that by buying these products we are constantly adding…
Experiment 626 Vivisection is a word used by people who oppose operations on live animals for the purpose of scientific research, but those who support it call it animal experimentation or animal testing. A big topic that has been argued for many years and still to this day, whether if it’s ethical or unethical. Animal experimentation is used for checking the safety of products, make medical advancements in scientific research, and prepare new scientist (students). Animal experimentation was…