all. It all started the beginning of the senior year as I was making my annual visits to Mr. Micco and Mrs. Morgan’s classrooms.. Mrs. Morgan is a talker; we could talk about anything for hours – we’ve done it before. We were talking about how our summers went when she randomly asked me about competitions: Morgan: “So are you going to do any competitions this year?” Me: “I was thinking about it, but I’m not sure if I’m ready. I just get so nervous, you know.” Morgan: “I know, but Aaron and Markeisha didn’t just start out in nationals for their first competition. You have to start out small and work your way up.” Me: “Oh, okay.” Morgan: “There’s the chili competition coming up, I think you’d be good at it.” Me: “Okay, I’ll think about it.” So, I thought about it, thought of a recipe, and signed up to compete alone. The only part I forgot was my team name. Of course, crazy me let Micco and Mrs. Morgan choose it. I was in the café after school preparing food for the football dinner, and Micco and Mrs. Morgan were in Micco’s office. His best trait has to be yelling. Micco: “KELLIE!!!!!!!!!!!” Me: “What?” Mrs. Morgan: “Come here.” So I ran in there. Mrs. Morgan: “You need a name.” Me: “What?” Micco: “For the competition.” Me: “Oh, okay.” Mrs. Morgan: “Aren’t you making spicy chili?” Me: “Yes.” Micco: (whispering) “Feelin’ hot hot hot” Mrs. Morgan: “That’s it!!” I officially had a team name, and as the competition grew closer, I grew nervous. I never had a chance to practice;…
Industry,” but rather “Robber Barons.” J.P. Morgan, for example, is erroneously considered to be the latter due to his expansive sphere of influence. Nevertheless, J.P. Morgan is truly a “Titan of Industry.” On April 17, 1837, J.P. Morgan was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to parents Junius Spencer Morgan and Juliet Pierpont (Wepman 1). After graduating high school in 1854, he traveled to Europe in order to attend the University of Göttingen (Britannica 1). After college, he began his career…
The Shawshank Redemption, widely considered one of the greatest movies of all time, is a film released in 1994 that was based on a short novella written by Stephen King in 1982. The screenplay, written and directed by Frank Darabont, is a period piece, set in the 1940’s, based on a friendship between two cons serving life sentences for murder, in Shawshank State Penitentiary. Andy Dufresne, played by actor Tim Robbins, is a banker who has been convicted of killing his unfaithful wife and her…
She has difficulty knocking out her opponent and keeps being rebutted; Frankie gives her advice that he says she must follow no matter what she is doing: “Always protect yourself”. Maggie then proceeds to protect herself so she isn’t being attacked and it helps her attack her opponent, resulting in a knock out. Maggie then proceeds to fight and starts getting better and better to the point where she is making enough money to support herself and her family; she is winning every fight that she…
strange thought. Her thought was also unusual. The film illustrated the picture in her mind that she connected to objects or words while she focused on. She acted a bit silly with funny face when her professor said “shoe.” Then the film viewed her connection with all type and kind of shoes that she had known. Also, she acted bit non-sensible way when many people were talking to her at the same time. She was upset, stress out easily and had a hard time to understand those people. Then she ran…
stop the racism. This film is about a town in Mississippi that is still stuck in racism and refuses to change their outdated ways. Although the school states they have a welcoming interracial school, the school board still insists to having separate proms, one for the white kids, and one for the black. Finally, this being Morgan Freeman’s home town, he decided to help free them from their ignorance, and paid for their prom, as long as it was interracial. Even so, some white students and families…
A house is defined as the physical structure where a person lives. Some people live in houses, while others live in homes. It takes certain aspects to turn a house into a home. While a house is a constructed building, a home is a place of deep meaning to a person, and contains many social features, like a family. Although family plays such an important role in a home, it’s the memories, safety, and a sense of purpose and belonging that complete the full meaning of a home. The final scene of the…
Imagine waking up every day at 5AM and getting dressed just to be confined to a small 5X5 cell for 90% of your day. Picture yourself not being entitled to any privileges or an opinion about anything, and the single element that serves as your identity is a 10-digit number. Now visualize drudging ten to twelve hours each day, with a warden and multiple guards browbeating you; cracking the proverbial whip for no apparent reason. Doesn 't sound too inviting, does it? Well, for the past several…
The example of fictional television violence we will look at for the purpose of this paper will be the show Dexter—one of the more famous antiheroes in American television in the last ten years. Dexter was adapted by James Manos from the novel “Darkly Dreaming Dexter” which was written by Jeff Lindsay. Dexter aired for eight seasons on Showtime, lasting from 2006-2013. The story is about Dexter Morgan who works for the Miami Metro Police Department as a forensic blood splatter analysist—but…
Before making the decision whether to help the officer, I want to talk about a movie named “The Shawshank Redemption”. The movie is told about the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sent to Shawshank State Penitentiary because of the murder of his murder of his wife. Andy claims that he was innocent. I find that the movie is similar to the situation that I have facing in the question. In the movie, Andy is forced by Samuel Norton who is the warden of the prison to launder the dirty money…