VA Rating Decision, dated 17 March 2015, indicates the applicant’s PTSD diagnosis was upgraded to a 50 percent disabling rating. 5. APPLICANT-PROVIDED EVIDENCE: DD Form 293, dated 31 August 2015; DD Form 214, dated 18 October 2006 and 16 May 2002; VA Medical Center, dated 15 June 2009 and 31 August 2015; VA Rating Decision, dated 2 October 2009, 8 August 2013, and 17 March 2015; Memorandum (Request for Chapter 10), dated 15 September 2006; and Character References time five (5). 6. POST SERVICE ACCOMPLISHMENTS: None submitted with the application. 7. REGULATORY CITATION(S): Army Regulation 635-200 sets forth the basic authority for the separation of enlisted personnel. Chapter 10 provides, in pertinent part, that a member who has committed an offense or offenses for which the authorized punishment includes a punitive discharge may submit a request for a discharge for the good of the Service in lieu of trial by court-martial…
The lady that composed this piece is actually the mother of the woman that was playing violin. I thought this was very cool and you could tell that this piece meant a lot to her. This piece is from the modern era as it was wrote in 2012. The piece itself was written to represent the landscape of Wallah Wallah, Washington. This was the place of a musical festival that she and her husband had founded. The landscape was supposed to be beautiful fields filled with golden grasses. The piece used…
Frog” and Divergent from most stories is that the plot comes through with revenge and even goes beyond it. “Hop Frog” is a story about a character named Hop Frog who gets unwilling taken from his home and is sent as a gift to the king. In the movie Divergent, Beatrice is different from others and the government is out to kill her because she deemed too powerful. Both of these stories show that over control is a catalyst for irrational revenge through theme, plot, and conflict. Through the…
The fascist Norsefire government in V for Vendetta maintained complete control over its denizens by preventing the people from speaking out or expressing any form of opinion. This dystopian society was ruled by a government who strived to uphold complete authoritarian control through its usage of various oppressive tools such as monitoring the conversations and actions of its denizens. A terrorist figure named V appeared to rise as a symbol of hope to eradicate this oppression by physically…
The health of society is greatly affected by the power of the government. When that power is too weak, the government cannot do its job, but when it is too strong, the leaders may abuse their power and oppress the citizens. In a perfect world citizens would monitor the actions of their government to prevent abuses of power. However, we all born to be free and every one is equal. As Thomas Paine argues in his “Common sense” that we should have control in government, instead of let them to control…
He believes that all men are naturally narcissistic, but there is a balancing force within them which battles the savagery. In addition, he seems to support a democratic government, yet fears that the Jacks of the world will threaten all forms of government and throw the world into turmoil and chaos that will eventually lead to the destruction of it. Thomas Hobbes has a similar viewpoint on human nature with Golding, that humans are naturally evil, but differs in the selection of government.…
Dylan Thomas, contrasts the attitudes of five different types of men within the poem. The five types of men may be different, but they deal with death the same way, by fighting it until the end. This poem explores the theme of death by using imagery, tone, form, symbolism, and structure. The title “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” is repeated four times throughout the poem. It is the first line of the poem as well as the ending of two stanzas (stanzas 2 and 4) and the second to last…
would not make sense for him to only study one of these areas because he is placed in to all of them. We are a very people based government and one of the things everyone wants in a leader is someone who knows what they’re doing, someone intelligent that they can put faith in. A Machiavellian ruler may be just as intelligent as any other but they are most certainly not someone who can have faith put in them and are less likely to be as well rounded because of their drive for a personal goal.…
successful a year later sentencing Mubarak guilty of complicity in the murders of the protesters and sentenced to life imprisonment. Liberty will always remain in the people forever. This massively induces the fact that peace can not be challenged by anyone against man. It must be strengthened and enforced by man within strong groups. Locke favored the constitutional monarchy and supported the legislative government as the supreme power. If there is to be a ruler, he must have the consent and…
Introduction The following essay will focus on comparing and contrasting two poems and. The poems that I will be looking at are, 'Sonnet 71 ' by William Shakespeare and 'Remember ' by Christina Georgina Rossetti. Both the poems concur that affection and misfortune are unavoidably connected and that the least demanding approach to manage the loss of somebody that you cherish is to overlook them as opposed to grapple with the misfortune itself. Some say, that without misfortune, you won 't have…