Cushing syndrome refers to the complex clinical manifestations resulting from chronic exposure to excess cortisol. Cushing disease is overproduction of pituitary ACTH by a pituitary adenoma (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Rote, 2014, p. 754-755). Cushing’s disease is defined by Adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) hypersecretion, induced by a corticotrophic adenoma, leading to cortisol and androgen hypersecretion. Cushing’s disease may lead to death if untreated; it is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality, due to cardiovascular complications, infections and psychiatric disturbances. Signs and symptoms of hypercortisolism are usually non specific: obesity, signs of protein wasting, increased blood pressure, variable levels of hirsutism,…
Cushing’s Syndrome is an endocrine disorder caused by elevated levels of cortisol in the body. The endocrine system is made up of several different glands which produce hormones that regulate various functions of the body. The adrenal glands, located at the top of each kidney, are responsible for the production of cortisol. Cortisol is essential in the regulation of blood pressure, and cardiovascular function. Cortisol also aids the body’s stress response, and helps to metabolize proteins,…
Introduction Equine Cushing’s Syndrome (ECS) occurs when a tumor is found in the pituitary gland of the horse’s brain. The tumor that is in the pituitary gland affects the pars intermedia which is also why Cushing’s syndrome is known as pars intermedia dysfunction (PID) (petmd). There is no specific breed that ECS affects, but it has shown that ponies are more prone to the disease than horses. Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) generally occurs in older horses showing…
Chief Complaint: My 62-year-old male, Hispanic, cancer patient was sent to LA County last Friday, October 15, by his home care nurse who noticed that an existing ulcer-like wound at his coccygeal region had worsened, as well as severe swelling/scabbing in his lower limbs. History of Presenting Illness: My patient was diagnosed with a squamous carcinoma three years ago that was found in his neck posterolateral neck area. He underwent chemotherapy (at LA County) and the cancer was subdued. It…
Cushing’s Syndrome Case Study, Manifestations, and Nursing Implications Introduction A 44-year-old male presents with complaints of body malaise and anorexia. He has noticed his attitude going from happy to depressed. He complains of weight gain, bruising easily, and frequent backaches. His arms and legs are thin. He became hypertensive three months ago, he does not have diabetes but his blood sugar has been elevated. His medications include Lisinopril; however, he has been noncompliant. At the…
Dermatology Clinic: Questions and Answers Case 1 1. What is your diagnosis? This patient exhibits signs and symptoms of iatrogenic Cushing syndrome with steroid acne due to corticosteroid withdrawal. 2. What factors may have contributed to the disease? The chronic treatment with high doses of prednisone contributed to the patient’s Cushing syndrome. However, steroid withdrawal may have caused her recent skin flare around her trunk and extremities. 3. What is the treatment of choice for this…
No medical examination records exist to support these claims made by the defense, and other issues exist with their claims furthermore. Ergotism cause severe, common convulsions, in addition to gangrene, and death in many cases. The accused only exhibited minor symtoms of Ergotism when it was convenient for their accusations, thoughdid not suffer any other issues that would undoubtedly accompany their condition. Cushin's syndrome is very uncommon in people under 20 years of age; it would be…
Cushing syndrome is a silent disease that hides behind extreme weight gain and a variety of seemingly random symptoms. Its name can change depending on the origin of the illness. Cushing syndrome refers to all patients with the classic symptoms and signs of the condition regardless of the cause, while Cushing disease is reserved for patients in which the signs and symptoms are caused by an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secreting tumor. Of all the patients with spontaneously occurring…
Cushing’s Disease Description Cushing’s Disease is an adrenal gland disease in which there is an excess of the steroid hormone, cortisol, within the body. With Cushing’s Disease the body releases too, much of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This disease is rare as it effects 10 to 15 people per million each year. Women and men both can be diagnosed with this disease, but women tend to be affected more than men. The disease can be fatal is not treated correctly and promptly. Etiology…
common endocrine disorder is known as adrenal insufficiency. This is where the adrenal gland releases too little of cortisol or aldosterone. Addison’s disease is a type of adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms likely include fatigue, upset stomach, dehydration, and skin changes. Cushing’s Disease is another endocrine issue. It is caused by an overactive adrenal gland. Some symptoms include obesity and increased thirst. It is common in children who take corticosteroids. Hyperthyroidism is another…