Though he would later join his father as an architect and teacher, Saarinen’s (Jr.) collaboration with his father began years prior to the birth of their professional relationship. In fact, the first work Eero collaborated on with his father were the furnishings for Cranbrook School for Boys in Bloom Field Hills, Michigan in 1925, a project which his father had originally designed. He worked with his father on the project, as he did with many projects throughout the rest of his life. The furnishings were not completed until 1931. During his early career the majority of Saarinen’s (jr.) work focused on this type of furniture design, some additional instances of this early work with furniture are the Saarinen house furnishings, started in 1928 and completed in 1930, and the Kingswood School for Girls furnishings started in 1929 and completed in 1931. In each of these instances Saarinen (jr.) collaborated with his father, who was Saarinen’s (Jr.) harshest critic, most influential instructor, and toughest competition…
Lutheran Settlement House is really the only social service agency within the community. It has been providing services to Fishtown and the Philadelphia area since 1902. The services since then may have changed but it’s core mission of “empowering individuals, families, and communities to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through an integrated program of social, educational, and advocacy services” has not ("History | Lutheran Settlement House | Empowering Children, Adults, Families, and…
adaptations and improvements to three key areas of the community and city design: (1) the physical and built environment; (2) the social environment; and (3) housing. Physical and built environment Menec et al. (2011) describe the built environment as comprising the outdoor spaces (e.g. green spaces, parks, walking trails), buildings and natural environment of a community, such as its air and water quality. The physical and built environment are important factors in age-friendly community…
Regardless if a community is a sports team, a religious group, or American society, communities give their members some set of perks. These are opportunities the members would not ordinarily receive on their own. Although some opportunities are for the benefit of their members, some opportunities extend outside their population into other communities. Not only are there potential opportunities to gain knowledge and experience when two or more communities begin to intertwine, there is also a…
from other countries, such as China and India. Amongst the many parts of this policy exists several aspects that become crucial to its success, we start with the redesign of America’s high schools. If we are going to be able to compete with the increasing competition faced by the rise of global networks, then there is a need to shift our educational models from within our schools. We are going…
Beginning this class, I was not sure what to expect because I did not really know what community health was. I signed up for the class to fulfill the requirement for my minor. Throughout this class, I have learned so much about the aspects of the community health, agencies, drug abuse, health rates, and disease types and control. These were all topics that were greatly interesting to me and I feel like the class improved my understanding of the way in which many communities operate. It also…
The Negotiation As expected the hospital team initially saw the needs of the community as a problem the CCC itself should handle through government programs or by approaching a hospital in another area, West Point Hospital. They expressed frustration with the community and reminded the CCC that the hospital is run on private money from donors and not government funded. It was obvious that the hospital did not feel any responsibility to the community itself, they were concerned with business…
Settlement houses were essentially community centers where people could go to get help with anything that was troubling them. This is illustrated by Hull House in Chicago, Illinois. This settlement house led by Jane Addams would provide members of the community with basic needs initially and would also provide for them a place to develop culture. Patrons of Hull House could get childcare, art lessons, and an education. Hull House became a compound of multiple buildings that serviced the…
The importance of community service has been interlaced into the majority of the nursing classes I have had at the bachelor’s level and the master’s level of education. Being active in community service has been presented as a cornerstone of my nursing career in the work place as a leader within my organization. I am learning now that being involved in community service holds true for the nurse educator as well. Dawson & Freed (2008), state that “professional nurses have a commitment to…
universal health care. Altruism has become one of my main values as I am eager to make a difference in the world of medicine through social mindfulness and charity. My biggest aspiration is to become a sports medicine physician and use this position to better the lives and health of individuals. In addition, I wish to use my career to continue serving others both globally and locally. I will impact my local community through my work as a physician, including my volunteering efforts and research,…