In Political Theology and The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt, he discusses what he coins “the political”: the most intense and extreme antagonism, which is presupposed by the concept of the state . To understand what the political is, it is imperative to flesh out what the state is and what this “extreme antagonism” raised by Schmitt really is. To start, in the Concept of the Political, Schmitt defines the state as “a specific entity of people. Vis-à-vis the many conceivable kinds of entities, it is in the decisive case the ultimate authority.” In other words, the state is an organized body of people that makes the “political” decisions in periods of what Schmitt would call “extreme antagonism.” This association of people is not…
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the writing of Giorgio Agamben as it relates to the course theme in regard to the placement of the body in contemporary social theory. More specifically this paper will address Agamben’s writing of Sovereign Power and Bare Life and the distinction between the natural being and the legal existence of a person. First in Part I, I will provide a summary of Sovereign Power and Bare Life, and identify Agamben 's central thesis. In Part…
In Giorgio Agamben’s The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans, he evaluates Paul’s letter by taking a close reading of the opening of Romans and then claims that within these treasured words ultimately lies Paul’s messianic philosophy. Each chapter, interestingly, lays out the context and content that each word of the opening means and what Paul was hoping to convey to the Romans. Agamben also presents Benjamin’s Theory on the Philosophy of History side-by-side Paul’s…
In this essay, I argue that John Stuart Mill and John Rawls make stronger arguments as liberal thinkers than Carl Schmitt does in his defense of state authority because they do not rely on theology in their works. With interest in Mill’s “On Liberty” and Rawls’s “A Theory of Justice,” it is impossible to ignore the liberal stand they take and the opposing views that Carl Schmitt takes in both “The Concept of the Political” and “The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations.” According to…
theories of myth differently. Because of the variety of tales told in myths, it is hard to narrow it down to one established definition. Its’ Greek origin suggests myths are stories narrated either by mouth or through other media such as art, drama, or music. For this reason, myths can be applied universally due to their broadness. Legends, folktales, and fairytales are often confused with myths and for that reason many who study mythology attempt to distinguish between them. For one to…
However, this was with the American People, threats to National Security were made and barriers in National Security were breached. According to Washington Post writers Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein, “The American Presidency will never be the same.” “Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet anything of thy neighbor, and thou shalt not bear false witness.” All of these scriptural rules were broken during the Watergate Scandal. Is there a pardon for those who break the law so that they…
“All the President’s Men” is a story of two Washington Post journalist, who investigated the Watergate scandal. The journalist uncovered the story and presented the facts that eventually led to President Nixon’s resignation. The investigative reporting was effective in the Watergate scandal because journalist Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein focused on why there was a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in D.C, and why those who worked under Nixon attempted to cover-up…
Most famously, Freud is accredited with his work published in 1900 The Interpretation of Dreams on dream analysis. Next, there was Carl Jung, who proposed another perspective giving people insight to the meaning of dreams. After years of research, psychologists have made significant progress in understanding why people dream, its function, and to some extent a more valid theory of what dreams mean. Freud “proposed that dreams provide a psychic safety valve that discharges otherwise unacceptable…
produce anxiety. To defend itself, the ego uses defense mechanisms to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality. One of the most powerful and pervasive of these defense mechanisms is repression. Repression is the foundation for all of the defense mechanisms and can push unacceptable id impulses out of awareness and back into the unconscious. When used in moderation, defense mechanisms can be helpful and healthy. However, it is important to not let denial dominate our behavior facing…
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were both psychoanalysists and traveled together to the United States. (Introduction.) Their idea of the unconscious was different and they never came to an agreement. Freud thought the unconscious was biological and focused on the appearance of sexuality, while Jung thought the unconscious was human culture that was passed from generation to generation. (Olson and Hergenhahn, 2011.) I believe that Jung’s thoughts on how our unconscious processes and perceives…