structure vs agency, the never-ending debate among sociology discussion. Some people may argue that the agent’s decisions are entirely based on greater powers like cultural, political, and economic influences, while agency would counter that an individual has total management of their own life. First of all, I would like to argue that there are certain circumstances and situations that would make agency valid. You could say that agency signifies that an individual has complete control, which I partially agree with. An individual can worsen or better his/her current situation based off their decisions. In my opinion, these decisions are played out mostly in part of the level of intellectuality that the person possesses. Others may argue that a lower-class family that lives in a low-income area may not have the means to give their children a better education and thus the mentality of a structure. However, that may be true, but it’s not entirely accurate, if the children of a low-income family allow themselves to become a statistic, then sure there is a greater structure that influences the lives of people. Nevertheless, the reason that I don’t entirely agree with the structure is because I for example come from a low-income family that migrated from Colombia. For a newly arrived family, resources came short, and besides my parents’ wishes to put me in a catholic school, I had no choice but to attend a public school just like most kids in the Springfield area did. As you may…
The asymmetric information in the financial market The imperfect nature of the financial market can be a cause of the crisis. In many economic models markets are assumed to be efficient, which is the demand and supply will match each other under the guidance of the price. Although there is nothing such as perfect market, the assumption of near perfect efficient market does stand for itself in some cases. For example, the food grain market and some raw material markets. However, the financial…
In 1984, Myers and Majluf firstly introduced the pecking order theory, which is based on the asymmetric information between people inside and outside the firm and the adverse selection problems resulted from the information asymmetry. The pecking order theory does not estimate an optimal leverage ratio as trade-off theory. However, it claims that a firm’s debt level is just a preferential order of financing options (internal or external sources) when the firm needs more funding, It is determined…
The Pearl of Great Price is an ideal place to learn about agency because it shows us the story of our first brothers and sisters to practice using agency in the flesh, through Adam and Eve’s experience falling from the presence of God and exercising their agency outside the Garden of Eden. Additionally, we learn about how we had agency even before we came to Earth and received our bodies through the knowledge we can gain about our preearth life, and our specific choice to follow our…
with biased information about the reality of drone warfare and its effects, recently started causing uproar, despite years of drone usage in the military. Doyle McManus, a columnist for the Los Angeles Times, wrote an opinion piece on the drawbacks of drone warfare. As a Middle Eastern correspondent for the LA Times, McManus’s insight in the drone warfare debate exponentially outweighs many out there. One of McManus’s…
Cyberwarfare is defined as a new generation of war that uses computers and software to attack networks and acquire data or damage important infrastructures to get advantage in a military campaign. Nowadays, cyber espionage to obtain access to data bases is common. By using viruses or spyware hackers can invade military or governmental networks to get classified information in order to gain intelligence. An example was the cyber spy GhostNet supposedly used by China in 2009. According to the…
Were the basic philosophical positions, and tactical choices, of the “urban guerrilla” movements significantly different from those of classical terrorism? – Essay Proposal Biljana Madzevska 17202788 LaTrobe University Erica Millar 21/08/2014 Were the basic philosophical positions, and tactical choices, of the “urban guerrilla” movements significantly different from those of classical terrorism? Classical terrorism and Urban guerrilla were used variedly throughout history following specific…
• Greater Love is a poem written by Wilfred Owen where he mock romantic love for falling short in front of the brotherly-friendship bonds created during young men in war. • Wilfred Owen was an officer in World War I, however was sent to a hospital because he suffered from "shellshock". Here, he met poet Siegfried Sassoon, who played a part in influencing him to write poetry about war and the suffering of soldiers. He later returned to the war, where he was killed. Opening Statement and Title •…
to find a way to keep our troops at home and fighting conflicts without having “boots on the ground” as the saying goes. However even with, or perhaps because of, this new technology our country finds itself involved in conflicts that are unconventional to what we have seen in our history. The young generation of Americans today has grown up learning about the wars against terrorism where the enemy is hard to really signal out from a large crowd. We have become accustomed to fighting against…
WHAT IS A HYBRID THREAT? CPT RUSSELL GREENFIELD MICCC 17-005 3RD SQUAD March 30, 2017 A hybrid threat is the diverse and dynamic combination of regular forces, irregular forces, and criminal elements all unified to achieve mutually benefiting effects . While an exact agreed upon definition is a current a topic of debate, it is essentially the blending of multiple types of warfare to exploit the weaknesses of a stronger adversary. Hybrid threats, regardless of the…