Kettlebells may seem to be a new popular trend amongst fitness enthusiasts and athletes, but the truth is that they have been around for centuries with ancient findings of their use for dynamic strength and endurance training. Nobody can quite figure out their true origins, and only theories have been made for what the kettlebell was actually created for. However, records in archeology actually show that they existed as far back as ancient Greece. Proof of these records can be found in Athens, Greece at the Archaeological Museum of Olympia where a 143kg (approx. 315lbs) kettlebell is displayed. Inscribed on the side of the kettlebell is the adage “Bibon heaved up me above a head by one head” (Istorija, IUKL). Over the course of time, the kettlebell…
Magnesium Alloy: Microstructure Characteristics: Fig (8) : Shows the microstructure of Magnesium alloy. Picture source: Magnesium alloys have a hexagonal lattice structure. They are the lightest of all structural metals. Magnesium alloys possess a low galling tendency as a bearing surface in conjunction with shaft hardness above 400…
AC 2.3: Explain the method of making titanium alloy and investigate how the composition and structure of metal alloys, polymers and poly-matrix composites influence the properties of the parent material. 1. Extraction process. 2. Melting process. 3. Storage process. Extraction of Titanium by Kroll process: First titanium ore Rutile (TiO2) is taken. Rutile is converted into titanium sponge by the following process: Titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) – a colourless compound is obtained as a result…
time curves and self-corrosion rate of Al, Alloy 1 and Alloy 2 electrodes in 2 M NaCl electrolyte, respectively. Corrosion rates were obtained by weight loss measurements in 2 M NaCl solution after 60 min. As seen in Table 1, the corrosion rate increases in the following order: Al <Alloy 1 < Alloy 2. Fig. 2 indicates that open circuit potential of Alloy 1, 2 (especially Alloy2) is more negative than that of Al. It can be seen that the potential of the Al electrode shifts in the positive…
What makes a bat worth buying? Colleges and scientists continue to research and hypothesize on many topics. The experimenters test different types of bats such as alloy and composite. Many different factors come into play when developing reviews. For instance, experts are able to examine performance levels, materials, and price. When investing in a bat, there are many different options to look at. One type is the alloy bat. Alloy bats primarily consist of aluminum mixed with other metals; which…
(b) (a) (b) 3. 1 Potentiodynamic polarization test of Mg-Zn-RE and Mg-Zn-RE-xCa alloys Potentiodynamic polarization test in Kokubo solution was carried out to evaluate the bio-degradation behavior of Mg-Zn-RE and Mg-Zn-RE-xCa alloys. The results (Fig. 1) revealed that the corrosion potential, Ecorr of Mg-Zn-RE alloy was -1841 mV, which was more negative compared with the…
Phase transformations of two Ni-Cr alloys are explained below. One is Ni40Cr60 (Line 2) which is closer to eutectic composition and contains greater % Cr and the other alloy is Ni68Cr32 (Line 1) which contains greater % Ni. Figure 1: Ni-Cr phase Diagram [1] When Ni40Cr60 is cooled below 1450°C, Cr2Ni (orthorhombic structure) grains start precipitating from liquid solution. When the alloy is quenched from 1450°C to 1200°C the grain size increases. When temperature is reduced below 1200°C,…
The number following the decimal point indicates whether the alloy is a casting (.0) or ingot (.1 or .2). A capital letter prefix indicates a modification to a specific alloy. Example: Alloy - A356.1 the capital A (Axxx.x) indicates a modification of alloy 356.1 the number 3 (A3xx.x) indicates Silicon plus copper and/or magnesium series. The 56 (Ax56.1) identifies the alloy within the 3xx.x series. The .1 (Axxx.1) indicates that it is a final shape of ingot. The composition, physical, mechanical…
magnetic, non toxic and has good heat transfer properties. Titanium and its alloys have melting points advanced those of steels, but maximum useful temperatures for structural applications usually range from 425-540C°. Titanium has good resistance to attack by most mineral acids and chlorides [ASM]. The combination of high strength, stiffness, good toughness, low thickness, and excellent corrosion resistance, provided by various titanium alloys at very low to temperately elevated temperatures,…
In this study, the main object is to find out the hardness change due the carbonized and non-carbonized alloys in air cool or water quench’s hardness differences. And the result showed that the carbonized with in air cool samples to compare with the normal air cool without covered carbon powder were similar, but the one covered with carbon were increased the overall hardness than the one without. On the carbonized with water quench it showed the one covered with carbon can provided more hardness…