on this idea of the oppression of people due to their age, by stating that adultism is “the systematic subordination of younger people, as a targeted group, who have relatively little opportunity to exercise social power in the United States through restricted access to the goods, services, and privileges of society and are denied access to participation in the economic and political life of the society” (536). DeJong and Love go on to write the ways adultism is perpetuated. The internalization of adultism being one of them. Internalized adultism is…
Discrimination in different ways This section is all about accepting others and their choices. Each of the stories or movie, that I have picked somehow, gives out the idea of accepting others. However, each one portrays acceptance in a different way. It's not always about accepting people for whom they are. Its also about accepting the choices that people make. Or the way they have decided to live. Another form of discrimination can be found in Texas V. Johnson the Majority Opinion. The whole…
Sexual Orientation and Inequality Out of all of the social problems in America, inequality based on sexual orientation has been one of the most talked about issues in quite a few years. Americans have been forced to gradually accept homosexuals due to the supreme court’s ruling on gay marriage. However, the struggles and issues that LGBTQ(XZ) people face are far from solved. People still discriminate against people in the LGBTQ(XZ) people are a part of our country whether everyone likes it or…
Throughout this semester, there have been many topics discussed. Most of these topics were surprising and for the most part eye openers for many people in this class, like me. We discussed immigration, discrimination in the workplace, discrimination based on weight, race, gender, sexual orientation, tattoos, piercings, the LGBTQ community, sexual harassment, and racism. While having these discussions in class, I learned that in order to live amongst each other we have to be aware that everyone…
Is there ever a time when not hiring someone for a position due to their age is acceptable? The only time I can think this may apply is for positions such as pilots, police officer, or any other position that requires heavy physical activity. I question that thinking at times, though. To say that someone cannot do a job because they are over 40, 50, 60 etc. is another form of discrimination. When the court system gets involved, it can turn into an ugly situation for the company and those…
Reflection on "A Class Divided" Discrimination has been prevalent in many cases throughout U.S. history and still is today. People do not always realize the effect that discrimination and their actions can have on the group they chose to discriminate against. It can cause them to feel lesser of themselves simply due to the fact, that they are different. This feeling of difference was made very clear in the film “A Class Divided.” In this experiment, the way the children viewed themselves and…
Stereotype as a societal norm should be discouraged in our society, because it is a social menace. Although the phenomenon is insidious, the effects of stereotype to the well-being of the affected people or group are enormous, which can include poor health outcome, inadequate and delayed treatment for health issues. In the worst case scenario could result to death (Levy, Ashman,& Slade, 2009). This paper will define the concept of stereotype as a societal construct against the older adults. It…
AGE DISCRIMINATION, OR AGEISM Does age discrimination exist? I believe that it does, although it is not supposed to exist, but it’s difficult to prove. What are some things that might clue you in that you are being discriminated against due to your age? • Older workers are being fired or offered buyouts, and younger ones are being hired. • You are reassigned to unpleasant duties. • You start hearing comments about your age. • You stop getting raises. • You are given low scores on your…
women and men can easily find themselves somewhere in Tita’s story and relate. Mama Elena, Rosaura and Pedro are all examples or representations of people we already have in our lives. Rosaura is the competitive “mama’s girl”; Pedro is the tainted love and especially Mama Elena who is the tyrannical, oppressive mother with all her “traditions”. This type of oppression that Mama Elena exhibits is known as Adultism. First coined by Patterson DuBois, he writes in his book Fireside Child Study…
so often done to the elderly and children. Prior to learning about ageism and adultism, I had never even considered age to be a factor of power. As such, I find myself to think of many instances where I may have contributed to both issues. While I treat the elderly with patience, I have often perceived them to be less capable than someone younger. I have taken action, without thought or permission, to do things that I perceived to be helpful, when in fact my help was never requested. Now,…