In the spring of 2009, more than one million high school students took Advanced Placement (AP) exams. Since it began in the 1950s, the AP program has allowed numerous high school students across the United States to take many of their high school courses at a college level stature. At the end of each course, students then take comprehensive exams to test their knowledge in order to earn college credit. While there are those who contend that the AP program has some positive aspects, many people would argue that this program does more harm than good for students. According to David W. Oxtoby, president of Pomona College, the truth about advanced placement courses is that taking such courses throughout high school will not necessarily prepare…
Kirsten Richard Richard 1 Professor Stephanie Roberts English 101 October 9, 2016 Advanced Placement classes: Helpful Blessing or big mistake? The effects both the positive and negatives of the AP (Advanced Placement) classes that high school students partake in each year to earn a college credit before ever leaving high school is a huge issue for most promising young…
The Great Gatsby as part of the AP Curriculum? "Is this book interesting?", "Will my students enjoy it?", "Is this novel truly AP Level?". These are just a few of the many questions that run through a teacher 's head when he or she is selecting a novel for their AP English Class. AP stands for Advanced Placement, and the whole objective of an Advanced Placement English Class is to give students a glimpse of what a college class is like, but more so to prepare them for the Advanced Placement…
Private schools have more enriched opportunities like Advanced Placement courses, exchange programs and International Baccalaureate programs with access to experienced tutors that are more equipped to help the student on account of being familiar with its rising popularity and workings. AP courses and IB programs may be available only in select public schools with minimal access to experienced tutors. An AP course allows a student to take college level courses to earn course credit or placement…
Students may feel over-stressed even though others may feel right at home. These courses are a way to open yourselves to new academic opportunities. However, these classes have been known to be predominantly white. So how does race affect Blacks and Latinos in their studies? Would students, or even teachers, treat some races differently than others in these courses? What are these students’ experience with the AP Program like? This research prospectus aims to answer the preceding questions…
Education has become an elusive process since it’s no longer possible to teach at a constant pace for every student. As a result, advanced placement (AP) courses have allowed for gifted high school students to participate at the collegiate level. However, with increasing amounts of AP courses and their incentives of earning college credit in high school has constructed a false sensation that students are benefiting greatly, when in reality, they’re causing massive amounts of stress for little…
I am going to start out by apologizing because this is going to be long. But I believe everything I say is worthy of saying so I hope you don’t just give up and stop reading. I am a person that doesn’t particularly like school. Something about being stuck in a classroom for seven hours and force fed facts I don’t always want to learn just has me counting down the days till summer. So are there things I would change about the school system? Yes. Is there an aspect I wouldn’t change about the…
The Great Gatsby Alanna Reeves Advanced Placement The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald that tell the story of the love triangle between Jay Gatsby, Daisy, and her husband Tom Buchanan. Jay and Daisy had a relationship before Daisy married Tom. Gatsby believed Daisy married Tom for money, so when he found out he decided to gain wealth so would be worthy of Daisy Buchanan and finally be with her. Jay Gatsby is an outcast because he is posing as “old money”, he pretends he…
This week I have a range of thoughts on my own media use, all spurred by the Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature conference I am currently attending. This week we’ve discussed a range of topics - Should Bob Dylan have won the Nobel? How can computer programs help children? What is gained by handwriting vs. typing? - and based on these topics, this post will take on a diverse nature in an attempt to capture my thoughts. First, I am so thankful for the Internet. When I first started…
It was the end of my sophomore year and class registration was available to students. I heard from my previous classmates that advanced placement courses help you better develop and understand your writing. My essays were nothing but words on a page. It was weak in style and flow. However, I was hesitant to register for advanced placement courses, specifically English composition. The need for a change came when I realized I needed more attention in my writing. After hearing from my classmates…