Epilepsy is defined as being a central nervous system disease (neurological disease), in which the nerve cell activity in your brain is disturbed, causing a seizure. During a seizure one might experience involuntary shaking which may involve part of the body or the entire body, loss of consciousness, and possible loss of bowel or bladder control. Seizures can vary in length from brief lapses of attention or muscle jerks, to severe and prolonged convulsions. Seizures may also vary in how often they occur, from less than one per year to several per day. The seizure is defined as happening when there is excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells which causes these reactions. According to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) an individual is considered to have epilepsy if they meet any of the following conditions: 1. At least two unprovoked (or reflex) seizures occurring…
Epilepsy is a chronic disorder with reoccurrence of unprovoked seizures that happens because of the electrical events that occur in the brain. An epileptic seiszure is a central nervous system disorder that affects neuron activity by causing an excessive amount of activity in the brain. This can be attributed to a large amount of action potentials that don’t allow for any relief, which can cause damage to the cell. Antiepileptic drug therapy for epilepsy even though proven to give relief to…
INTRODUCTION: Epilepsy is a disorder affecting brain and its parts there are recurrent, periodic and unpredictable episodes of seizures, with or without loss of unconsciousness and memory. it may affect whole brain or parts of brain characterized by abnormal excessive and synchronous neuronal activity in the brain, It is one of the serious disorder affecting the brain, it is having approximately 1% of diseases burden and it can be ranked with depression, Alzheimer’s disease…
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder affecting all ages. Epileptic seizures occur as a brain insult that results in one of three forms. Seizures can be systemic, toxic or metabolic. Epilepsy has been defined as brain disorder characterized by enduring predisposition to generate seizures, by the neurobiological, cognitive, psychological and social consequences of the condition. An epileptic seizure is defined as a transient event of signs and symptoms due to abnormal excessive neuronal…
Epilepsy, a spectrum condition that affects the central nervous system and causes unprovoked, recurring seizures, is the 4th most common neurological disorder in the globe. Seizures, the predominant symptom of epilepsy, occur due to disturbances in electrical activity which spark an imbalance of cells that excite or inhibit other neurons from sending messages to the brain. This confusion results in a surge of power that affects ones' entire body in numerous ways. Different movements and…
Definition and Description According to the Epilepsy Foundation of America, (2014) epilepsy is a physical condition that occurs when there is sudden, brief change in how the brain works. When the brain cells are not working properly, a person's consciousness, movement or actions may be alters for a short time, also called a seizure (NICHCY, 2010). A seizure occurs when an abnormal amount of electrical discharge happen in a group of neurons in the brain (Wilner, 2008). Every now and then…
Epilepsy is classified as a central nervous system disorder otherwise known as a neurological disorder, this means nerve cell activity in the brain is disorganized caused by an electrical disturbance thus triggering seizures, unusual behavior, odd symptoms and abnormal sensations. Another name for epilepsy is seizure. Epilepsy can start within a person at any age but is more common in young children and the elderly. According to Mayo Clinic, “About 1 in 26 people in the United States will…
Epilepsy is a disorder that affects about 3 million Americans and 65 million people around in world. Research is ongoing to find the causes of epilepsy. In two-third of patients diagnosed with epilepsy, the cause is unknown. Epilepsy is a disorder that affects many people in different ways. Some cases of epilepsy are caused by genetic disorders. Epilepsy is a disorder that affects the brain causing seizures. Seizures occur when the nerve cells in the brain release more energy than the brain can…
Introduction Epilepsy is known as Apasmara: apa, means negation or loss of; smara, means recollection or consciousness. Epilepsy known form thousands of years but came forward past hundred years. It was known from the Babylonians and Greeks also have records of epilepsy and they represent as Sacred Disease21. In India concept of epilepsy is known from ancient Indian medicine and it was developed during the Vedic period of .In the Ayurvedic literature of Charaka Samhita epilepsy is…
Introduction Matthew 17:15-16 states, “Lord, have mercy on my son. He has seizures and suffers terribly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. So I brought him to your disciples, but they couldn’t heal him” (NLT). Epilepsy is a lifelong disorder that causes seizures. It affects approximately sixty-five million people across the world. Of that sixty-five million, three million people reside in the United States. Epilepsy is the fourth most prevalent neurologic disorder in the world…