1921 Pulitzer Prize

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    In the novel The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton, sight plays a very important role to the overall development of the book. Wharton uses sight in two different ways: to represent the nativity and ignorance of people as well as to show how the main characters chose to reflect upon their experiences. This novel reflects the innocence of Newland’s character although he doesn’t realise it until the end and how his ignorance has impacted the experience of those around him. In this book, sight and experience is used to demonstrate that it’s better to be ignorant than to be hurt by the truth. In this book, Wharton uses many metaphors comparing sight to the ignorance of people. “the Kentucky cave-fish which had ceased to develop eyes because they had no use for them. What if, when he had bidden May Welland to open hers, they could only look out blankly at blankness” (68). In this section, Newland has fears that May is blind and won’t be able to be her own person. He’s afraid that she will only ever see the world the way that she was taught to and she won’t be able to form her own opinion. “He was much too disappointed at the vanishing of the new being who had cast that one deep look at him from her transparent eyes” (126). When May asks Newland if he is having an affair, because she is naive, she believes Newland when he denies it. The reason Newland is disappointed in her is because her newly enlightened more aware self went back to her childish state of naivtivity after he…

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    Several terminologies have been used worldwide to describe wildfire or forest fire (e.g. Hardy, 2005; Bento-Gonçalves et al., 2012; Eriksen and Prior, 2013; Mhawej et al., 2015). Generally in the United States, these definitions included prescribed fire - which is a controlled burn ignited by human under a controlled environment and on a limited spatial scale. However, in this chapter, we only focus on uncontrolled fire that occurs in the countryside or wildland. Studies such as Kumagai et al.…

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  • Improved Essays

    The Finding New Ground Process, as created by Robert Chadwick, is a conversational process that walks a client through a conflict they have to ultimately lead them to some sort of solution or future action towards a resolution. This is done through asking open-ended questions about what the conflict is, what the worst and then best possible outcomes are, what beliefs and values need to change, and what strategies the client can implement to reach the best possible outcomes, all the while asking…

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  • Improved Essays

    Out, Out— is a narrative poem published in 1916 by Robert Frost, a winner of several Pulitzer awards and a graduate of Dartmouth College and Harvard University. The characters in the poem include the protagonist, a young boy, his sister, and their assumable parents. The initial lines of the poem are quite pleasant as they evoke the aural, visual, and olfactory senses, but the poem takes a sharp turn as it then presents readers with intense tactile imagery and a cold ending. Why would Robert…

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  • Improved Essays

    Chris Hamby proved that muckraking does still exist today. His article “Breathless and Burdened” exposed that law firms such as the Jackson Kelly law firm has cheated thousands of miners of benefits for black lung disease. Chris Hamby’s article shows that muckraking does still exist in 2016 in newspaper as demonstrated by Chris Hamby’s article “Breathless and Burdened”. Chris Hamby is the author of “Breathless and Burdened” and a noted journalist. Chris Hamby went to the University of Missouri…

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  • Improved Essays

    Essay On Psychopaths

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    As stated before, there are counter arguments towards the effectiveness of treatment for psychopaths. One belief as to why treatment does not work for psychopaths is stated by the authors of this study, Harris and Rice (Harris & Rice, 2006). “They believe that the reason for their findings is that psychopaths are fundamentally different from other offenders and that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with them in the manner of a deficit or impairment that therapy can ‘fix’. Instead, they exhibit an…

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  • Improved Essays

    The Borrowers by Mary Norton is a classic novel that does not get dated with time. “Marcus Crouch comments that, ‘of all the winners of the Carnegie Medal [awarded annually by the British Library Association to the best children's novel of the preceding year], it is the one book of unquestioned, timeless genius’” (Stott). The Borrowers was published in 1952 has continued to be read throughout the following years. This book is still in print and is still being read even sixty years after it was…

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  • Improved Essays

    Robin Williams was known for being one of the greatest American actors and comedians. Watching Williams either onstage, the television, in his movies, or in one of his serious interviews, just listening and watching the actor is an extraordinary experience. He had a big impact on many people in this world, and many were devastated to see him go. Many memorials were dedicated to him and his death was an American tragedy. Despite the appearance of a successful career, Robin Williams suffered from…

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  • Improved Essays

    The book The Yearling, by: Marjorie Kinnan Rawling is an ingenious novel. Out of the thirteen Pulitzer Prizes given out each year, Marjorie Kinnan Rawling received one in 1939 for The Yearling. She achieved this award by using artful syntax, sensory detail, and figurative language in such a stellar way to showcase a family’s move to Florida and the struggles within it. One of the three essential rhetorical devices that really tied the novel together was syntax. Even though it was not used as…

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  • Superior Essays

    Do you ever wonder why things turn out the way they do: why the colors of the leaves change when the season turns from summer to fall, or why someone can be treated so awfully, yet still continue to love that person with all their heart ? “The sense of wonder speaks of our hunger to be moved, to be engaged and impassioned with the world and take pleasure in it, attuned to it and fascinated by it” (7 Ways to Spark Your Sense of Wonder). It is Ted Kooser, an American poet and a Pulitzer Prize…

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