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123 Cards in this Set

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English class


Good morning class

I have an english class

Can you help me glue this paper please

Mosey=walk away


What are you looking at?

Mosey, pal





Friday junior=Thursday

We are gonna meet on friday junior.

Jorgoe boush senior

Jeorge bush senior


اختصار لها.


The other day=a few days ago

الطقم كامل القميص والبنطرون

I just bought it the other day

I really liked your outfit.

Lazy opp hardworking

slap on the face

He is a lazy/hard working

He slapped his friend on the face.


In luck

Out of luck

Dont let trivial things upset you.

You are in luck these are the last 2 seats


I am sketching my future house

نستخدم الفواصل فقط لما يكون في عنا ادوات وصل


Follow the rules/law

Break the rules/law

Dont break the rules

Follow the law

Be careful+ing


Call for

Be careful looking at him

Be careful opening the door

If the door feels hot dont touch it.

If sth goes wrong call for help استدعي

Safety rules

Call fpr

I am talking about the safety rules

Dont forget to call for help.

Gave a push



We will give the car a push

It's a horseshoe magnet

Dont be afraid to experimentتجرب

Push against


Science experiement


They will push against each other

Tape the two magnets together

What did you do for your science experiment

I made a model of a buttetfly

Hir/reach rock bottom

At rock bottom

I reached rock bottom when i lost my parents

Our products are at rock bottom

Our marriage hit rock botomm

Information age=digital age

Do a, space

Think twice

Welcome to the digital age

How do you do a space.

You really need to think twice before having tiger as a pet

Tiger mom


His mom is a tiger mom

He went to africa to sse wild animals

Go to the will desert.

Room =place

They need more room to play

High fever


Sorry i missed your party. I had a high fever

Try to read the letters on this eye chart.


Talk and talk

He goes to hospital for an anunal checkup

He talked and talked about this thing

Dad took her to see a doctor.


Becase of


الاولى تتبعها جملة كاملة

We cant go out because it is raining

...... because of the weather.

غير معدود

A big help

He was a big help to me

He was trying to dig up some dirt on me



the inner or indoor part of something, especially a building; the inside.

The plane has a very hot interior

"six men painting the outside of her house and three men painting the interior"

Push around

Thw eind will push you around it is very strong.


Cave people

These shoes are snug.مريح

Those are Cave people.

An angry bullet

He walked in like an angry bullet.

Attack is the best form of defense



Can you help me finf/to find

It is right past this building.

Can you help me read this book.

Walk over

Chase away

I walked over to my dad.

The boys chased the dogs away



Stop bullying David.

He is a bully.

Too much on plate

A bit much

Sorry i cant do it i have too much on my plate

This is a bit much i just wanted to taste it



...The passengers on board were scared.

They dialed 911

Sitting=not moving

Drunk pilot

The plane was just sitting there.

I saw a drunk pilot



I am a co_teacher.

Air host=steward

He works as a steward.

Stewardess=air hostess

She works as a stewardess.

Cabin crew=flight attendant

the members of an aircraft crew who attend to passengers.

"cabin crew who look after the first-class cabins go on special courses"


His eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep.



Take a shower=using a shower.

Take a bath=using a bathtub

Sweet things

Grain of wheat

I like to eat sweet things in the morning

Ants have a grain of wheat.


Did تستخدم للاخبار

Do تستخدم للاستفهام بغرض الاجابة

Did you know



a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.

The gallery charges an entrance fee.

"an art gallery"

He was being very mydterious about where he was going

Give protection

The coat will give you protection from the rain.


An act, statement or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect or admiration.

Thousands of people stood in silent tribute the dead president.

The song is a tribute to john.

A pill=


Why did you invite him. I dont like him he's a pill=annoying

Why did you shout at him.

He is acting like a pill. I cant focus



Chill=relax, calm down

Chill pill

I chill my coke in the referigerator.

Chill out man it's gonna be okay

It is kind of chilling out.

Take a chill pill.

Same difference=

The same there is no difference

Use any can you wanted. Same difference.

Dont waste yiur time with explanation people only here what they want to hear.


I'd rather... than...

I prefer... to...

I'd rather stay home than go out.

I prefer to go hom to staying here.

Sink=go down into water

Drown=go down and die

The boat sank slowly

Do you think i was drowning.

No i only love to sink myself into water.

Shoreمكان التقاء اليابسة بالماء سواء كان جبل او اي شيء آخر


مكان التقاء الساحل بالماء

It is 415 below/above sea level



The car wheels were stuck in the mud

He is lazy, furthermore he has no sense of responsibilty.



Prey on

It is a fictionAl character.

It preys on small insects.

Pacific ocean

Heat up

I went to the pacific ocean.

This is gonna heat up the engine.

My very educated mother just served us noodle

Flush down

He Destroyed the poison by flushing it down the toilet.



You should learn about their customs.

Try to bow to him when he comes=bend down.


You must be very brave to mention his name.


He is gonna author another book.


They are easy to remember if you think of the acronym (fanboys)

Kilogram=2.2 pounds

I weigh 72kilogram=144pounds=Ib.


spend (money) freely or extravagantly.

"I'd splurged about $2,500 on clothes

Look from top to bottom

He looked at him from top to bottom

Stand still

He stood still not moving a muscle.

He was standing still.



He made a typo

As he typed in the letter في أثناء، بيتما

It just so happened


It just so happened that her husband dies

She is an Elderly/old woman.

At the sound of

At the sound of my voice she fainted.

Weave, wove, weaven


See sb through sth

He lost his money and i gave him some to see him through the month.

There was little i could do=nothing

How dare you



pounce on

He pounced on it and ate it.

to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger:

The dog growled at her and snapped at her ankles.


i saw its chicks فراخ

Crash agaibst

the car crashed against it

Curl up


he curled up in fear.


i saw the hyena cubs

Shortly after=soon

Shortly after he showed up.

Devour=eat hubgrily

eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.

"he devoured half of his burger in one bite


to run fast suddenly

He darted into the room


to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.

he was wailing

Dutiful, dutifully

doing everything that you should do:

a dutiful son/husband

"I dutifully reported the accident"

Care for

Care for some ice cream.

I dont care for my friends. They are always rude to me.

Ask around

I asked around but nobody has seen my bicycle.

It is too expensive.

Well, i all ask around



You need to address them nicely.

You are obligated to shut up.

Rewind back up


M9ve forward

I will rewind the conversation back up.

Could you pleae move it forward.


This dealership has a good selection you should check it ou

I am down/up=

Deal, agree to

Out of good heart

Are you going with us?

I am down

He did it out of good heart.

In exchange=in return

I need a favor in exchange




We have three usages for it

Yo Mark

What up

What is the word=how are you doing


Spill it=spit it out.

I got some good news for you.

Splil it man.


a thing that is annoying or disappointing.

"the party was a real bummer"

Got a shot

I got a shot for the interview.

My god,is he annoying


not real but appearing or pretending to be exactly like something:

mock cream

mock leather

It is a Mock interview.

an exam taken at school for practice before a real exam:

You will have your mocks during the first two weeks of March.




a word or short phrase such as "er" or "well", used when a person pauses to think about what to say next:

You overuse

You overuse filliers.

Every now and then

Should work

We should use it every now and then.

This really should work.


marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

"sarcastic comments on their failures"

I was being sarcastic.

Have someone

Thanks for having me

Thanks for coming

Do master degree

I am doing my master's degree in adminisrtation.

People person

Team player

Belend in

Like to be around people

I am a great people person/team player.



I am very responsible and always inspire to meet the expectations that my manager have of me.


Friendly and easy to talk to

Managers should always be approachable.

You bet=

Certainly, you're right.

used to emphasize a statement or to mean "certainly":

"Are you coming to the party?" "You bet!"


The next thing i want to highlight is this point.


Unsystematic, careless

careless and unsystematic; excessively casual.

"your speech has always been sloppy"

I dont tolerate sloppy work.

I dont like sloppiness


Global Positioning System

Was it east to find us

Yeah it was easy. plus, i always use GPS.


Bear in mind that i know all the ideal answers.

Save it

Take up

If you want to tell me that you can take up too many tasks just save it please i dont want to hear this bullish.

The bomb

Better than i deserve

Thanks man. you are the bomb.



He slapped him with his Front_hand./back _hand.

Afro hair

He has afro hair.


Sucker for sth

Sb who is easily deceived.

So long suckers.

To like sth or sb so much so you cant refuse them.

He is a sucker for sports cars.

It is still my move=my turn.


Mess with

To deceive someone as a part of a joke.

I am messing with you man


A sharp slap.

I will smack you in the face.

So that=in order to

I decided to stay up all night so that I could watch the game.


to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule:

If you cancel your flight, you will forfeit your deposit. اقصاء

Forfeit, forfeit ok i win.



Different pronunciation.

He has a bow and arrow.

He didnt bow to humanity.

Sit in

Sit on

He was sitting in/on the chair

What is shaking)=

What is up

Hey what's shaking?