This paper follows the classification of Menunier and Granger's because they indicate that idiomatic and fixed expressions are phraseological unit. In addition, they subcategorize idioms into three subsets: semi-idioms, pure idioms and literal idioms. Concerning strategies, Baker's methods couples with Trosborg's techniques will be satisfactory. Moreover the research proposes the difficulties stated by Mona Baker. In this regard, it compares between idioms extracted from the Arabic novel by Radwa Ashour with its translation by William Granara clarifying which strategy is used to renders specific idiom. It is of importance to know that Ashour tries in her novel to mix between the colloquial and formal language. Therefore 11idioms and 2 fixed expressions are extracted from Granada. Semi-idioms In line with Fernando opinion (1996), semi-idioms are a pattern that consists of two elements: a literal constituent and a non-literal sub sense. In this context, Radwa Ashour proposes many semi-idioms in her novel; Granata. When Abu Jaafer was talking with merchants about surrendering Granata, one of them wanted to clarify that agreeing on the agreement of surrendering is not an option so he said, "نحن لا نختار بين بديلين بل هو قدر ومكتوب." In this sentence, the translator may not find an equivalent for the idiom ""هو قدر ومكتوب as Baker states in her book ''In other words''. According to baker's strategies, William Granara, the translator of this novel converts this idiom by omitting the figurative part of this idiom. The translator renders قدر ومكتوب"'' into '' its our fate''. That is to say, he delivers the meaning of the idiom by omitting the word ''مكتوب ''. Another example of semi-idioms in Granada is أس البلاء"''. This idiom is said when Arabs were negotiating with the Castilian to punish Ximenes because he burned the books and forced al-Thaghri to change his religion. In this situation, the Arabs said, ليغادر خيمنث غرناطة...إنه أس البلاء"''. Granara here doesn't find an equivalent for this phrase. That is why he translates this idiom into '' he is source of all our misery''. In consonance to Baker, the translator uses paraphrasing to convert the SL idiom into the target language. In chapter five, Castilian soldiers collected Arabic and Islamic books and burned them. This was a shock for Abu Jaafer because he witnessed on the death of his culture; therefore he held saleema thinking that she would be the last hope. Ashour describes this situation as follows: ولكن أبا جعفر كان يتشبث بقشة الغريق"". Like semi-idiom, this idiomatic expression subjects to changes in its syntactic structure as the origin of this idiom is الغريق يتعلق بقشة"". It seems that finding a counterpart for this idiom in the target language is impossible. That's why greener omits the entire idiom, but this …show more content…
Likewise Abu Sa'ad (1987) argues that the majority of Arabic idioms are influenced by certain linguistic phenomena such as: synonymy, homonymy, and antonym (p. 47). Therefore Arabic idioms are clearer than English idioms, yet they cause confusion among translators. For instance, In the first chapter of Granada, Ashour describes the status of Arabs during surrendering Granada. They not only paid attention for every word, but they also interpreted any command had come from Al Hamra. She says,"الناس في غرناطة تسمع وتتقصي". In this part, the translator renders الناس تسمع وتتقصي into ''they kept their ears into the ground''. In oxford English dictionary "keep an ear to the ground" is defined as'' be well informed about events and trends''. This indicates that he uses idiom of almost similar meaning and dissimilar form as Baker …show more content…
For example, دون لف و دوران"" is a popular idiom means without nonsense. After the Castilians made everything under their control, they started to close anything related to Islam and Arabs even the Arabic bathhouses. At that time, they closed the bathhouse in which Saad was working so his friend Naeem tried to convince his patron with Saad's skills saying دون لف ودوران وأنت معلمي الذي أكرمني"". It is obvious that this idiom is free from any complications. Granara reflects Mona Baker method of using using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form. He renders "دون لف ودوران" into "beat around the bush" which means "discuss a matter without coming to the point" In oxford English