What drives people to undertake missions? The thing that drives people to undertake missions is to have a better life. In the three passages The Other Side Of The Sky, Call Of The Klondike, and Barrio boy there was Farah Ahmedi, Stanley Pearce, and Ernesto Galarza who undertook different missions but still managed to complete it. All three had different characteristics that helped them survive; like love courage, and desperation. Stanley Pearce wanted to become really rich and famous, while Ahmedi and Galarza wanted to gain freedom.
First of all, Stanley Pearce showed courage buy undertaking a mission and going to a really cold place. For example, in the passage, Call Of The Klondike, Meissner explained in paragraph 9, “Men are busily engaged on schemes to fleece the unsuspecting Cheechakos out of their tenderfoot money, and I am afraid many of them will work.” This means, that many men would give up everything just to have to move to different place they don't even know and have money. However, Pearce managed to become rich and famous while others didn’t.
Second of all, Ernesto showed love by being being able to speak two languages even though it was hard for him. For example, Galarza explained in the passage Barrio Boy, in paragraph 16, “Miss Hopley and her teachers …show more content…
For example, in the passage The Other Side Of The Sky, Ahmedi wrote in paragraph 1, “People were pushing and shoving and jostling up against that gate, and the guards were driving them back. As we got closer, the crowd thickened, and I could hear the roar and clamor at the gate. The Afghans were yelling something, and the Pakistanis were yelling back. My mother was clutching her side and gasping for breath, trying to keep up.” This mean that Farah was driven from deperation because they were in the desert with nothing, they had nowhere to go, and didnt have a home to go back