With the Peanuts ™ Gang!
(Meet the Gang!)
Pg. 1
An abrupt remark, made especially as an aside or interruption.
“Ring! Ring!” cried VIC NAPPA’s phone. He went to pick it up. “Hello?” An unknown female voice was heard through the other end. “You have been summoned to my psychiatrist booth for a jury case, where you will be defending oxymorons. Do you take this case VIC?” “Well, sure, yes, of course! Where is your psychiatrist booth?”
“Good grief, what a blockhead! What, are you that dumb? Your stupidity is appalling! You'll figure it out! Ugh, why should I waste my time on this?” The mysterious caller hung up.
“Rats! What a rude caller. Hmm, this is one of the most …show more content…
“Yeah, isn’t that why you got that D- on that report, Patty?”
Franklin replied.
“People, people, let’s focus here! VIC NAPPA, what is your statement for defending oxymorons?” Lucy loudly exclaimed.
“Well, it’s my job. There are many extremely important reasons for oxymorons, but I will just quickly explain why they should not be abolished. Though these paradoxical phrases are hardly appreciated, at many times can provide very sophisticated humor to the reader, and is, after all, part of the overly complicated American Language. Without the use of oxymorons, you would be slowly destroying the English language! First oxymorons disappear, then paradoxes, and who knows what after? It’s clearly an abomination!” VIC NAPPA replied.
Pg. 6
A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things common noun, or to name a particular one of these proper noun.
“Why am I even in this court? I don't even know what an oxymoron is! I didn't sign up to be a jury! I just want to be a good housewife! Why did I waste my precious time for all this nonsense? I’ll sue!” Sally screamed.
“I think Snoopy will take the case,” Charlie Brown …show more content…
“Order in the court! Order in the court!” Lucy pounded the gavel on her psychologist stand. “Okay jury, what is your decision on this?” She looked to Charlie Brown behind her booth.
“‘Um’ is not a word!” Lucy, Marcie, Linus, and VIC NAPPA exclaimed at Charlie Brown.
“The-, the jury will have a conference and re-, return shortly for the sentence.” Charlie Brown stuttered. He looked as though he had been thrown under a locomotive, yanked out of the rails, and sucker punched into his stomach. He motioned the juries to rise from their seat and discuss. They stood in the corner whispering amidst themselves.
Pg. 8
A word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
After a short while, the jury returned.
“Before the jury makes its sentence regarding oxymorons, I would like to say a quick word about the Great Pumpkin. On every Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises from the most sincere pumpkin patch, and gives toys to all good little kids in the world.” Linus said.
“Be quite Linus, and tell us your stupid decree to get this